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Vampire head body skintone mismatch


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All the the npc vampires in my game have a skin tone that does not match their bodies, my character (the one in the middle) is fine though.

I have done everything i can think of please if any one has any ideas what i can do say.

Its driving me nuts.



Edited by Cohagen
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  • 3 weeks later...
I have the same problem and have tried everything there is to fix it without any luck :confused:
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I finally know what is causing this head / body mismatch, at least for me...


As soon as you alter the hight on the vampire race you get head / body texture mismatch...why...i have no idea?

But now everything works just fine for me, even with USKP and USKP Dawnguard.

Edited by ceano
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  • 1 year later...

I finally know what is causing this head / body mismatch, at least for me...


As soon as you alter the hight on the vampire race you get head / body texture mismatch...why...i have no idea?

But now everything works just fine for me, even with USKP and USKP Dawnguard.

How did you fix the issue? Is there a guide or a mod? Is the fix permanent, or must it be done every time loading the game?

Edited by PppPlyr1
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  • 1 year later...



OK, pretty sure I am having this problem. Anyone know a fix for SSE?



If you have a mod that edits those vampires NPCs and you have encountered them before installing that mod then you have to check their new weight and set them in-game


tilde key then click your target

setnpcweight [new weight]



moveto player


this is only a simple fix if it doesn't work then you have to fix the facegen files and you need to do that with the CK and that I don't know how to do. I've never done it and never needed to.

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