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CTDs around Solitude, game is looking for a mod no longer there?


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Long story short, I started getting CTDs everytime I came close to Solitude. Nothing I tried to fix it worked. In desperation I turned off majority of my mods, started a new game with 'Live Another Life', and it's still the same - whenever I get near Solitude, be it on foot or by cart, I get CTD. I turned on papyrus logging (although apparetnly it's no longer done?), and while I have no idea what most of the text in the log means, one thing cought my attention:


[05/11/2019 - 03:13:53PM] ERROR: File "Open Cities Skyrim.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


I only played with Open Cities for a few months several years ago, it's not even installed anymore. Why is the game looking for it? (I repeat, I started a new game with very few mods). I looked closer, and apparently the game was looking for a whole bunch of mods which weren't there, including the individual unofficial patches that I replaced with Legendary patch months ago. There are also lines about vampire quest and adoption quest, which I don't know what to make of.



My load order on the last three tries was:







Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch

Skyrim Suplemental Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch

dD - Realistic Ragdoll and Force








KS Hairdos

Alternate Start - Live Another Life


Does anyone know what is going on?

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hey there. :happy:


what mod manager do you use ?. this is problem when a mod manager injecting the mod that you install to the Skyrim root folder, you can open your folder and search for the "ghost copy" or "remaining" of mod that you uninstalled and make sure to delete it. this is the further information in case you don't really know what will you do about it (https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/357285562484690267/). you can change your mod manager after this that doesn't install mod into your "Root" or "Data Folder", there is 2 best option out there, which is "Vortex" or "Mod Organizer 2" you can choose one of it.

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I use Nexux Mod Manager (v 0.63.14).


Are you telling me I need to do a completely fresh install, learn to use a new mod manager, reinstall all the mods I want, and recreate all the customizations I added over the years?

(Please don't be saying it... I might cry).


On a more serious note, Open Cities mod only includes 4 files, and none of them are in my Skyrim/data folder, so... what is telling the game to look for it? And why only near Solitude? I can approach other cities just fine.

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First of all, turn OFF papyrus logging. A papyrus log is NOT A CRASH LOG and you're only confusing yourself.

What that log is reporting is simply debug logging from USLEEP, completely meaningless and not related to your issue whatsoever. Forget you even saw it. Your crash is not related to not having Open Cities or any of the other mods the debug logged!

Now on to troubleshooting the real issue based on the load order you posted;

- You have Realistic Ragdoll and Force which assumes you also use a skeleton mod. Make sure you are using the latest version of this XPMSE skeleton which now includes Realistic Ragdoll so you can remove that mod.

- If you're not using any animation mods you do not need FNIS.

- Get Wrye Bash and build a bashed patch. It goes at the bottom of your load order.

- What other mods are you not telling about? Body mods? Texture mods? Physics mods?

- If issue still persists after testing try removing the Unofficial Modders Patch, test again. If issue still persists try removing Supplemental Patch, test again. There could be conflicts.

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First of all, turn OFF papyrus logging. A papyrus log is NOT A CRASH LOG and you're only confusing yourself.

Good to know. I turned it on before coming here, because for the longest time the first thing you were told in asnwer to any question was "show us your pap logs". That changed, I guess. [edit: huh, the pinned How to ask for help : The proper way to make Skyrim support topics post even says you should do that... is that outdated info?]


I do use XPMSE skeleton, but only the nifs, not the plugin, since none of its functionalities really appeal to me, and if I had it on, I'd have to register dozens of animations that come with it that I'd never use (I want my companions to run around being my sword and shield, not to high-heel cat-walk across the battlefield); since FNIS has upper limit for number of animations, I prefer to save it for werewolf and sexlab anims.


For mods that don't appear in load order, I have: HDT physics extensions, Activate Button Away, Better dialogue controls, Fuz Ro Doh, bug fixes, crash fixes, load game CTD fix (...hm...........) MfgConsole, Optimized Vanilla Textures - HD (twice? why, self?) Papyrus Util, JContainers, Papyrus Util - scripting Utiliy Functions, quest Versioning, SafetyLoad, UIExtensions.

Oh, and enboost, but no actual ENB


My usual loadorder is a nightmare to describe:








Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch




Skyrim Suplemental Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch

Sky Test - RealisticAnimals&Predators



Horse Branding

Death Alternative - ymoyl

SL Matchmaker

SL director

SL Defeat

SL Anim loader

_whole bunch of SL anim packs and anim objects

Take Notes

AK-Placeble Statics


SL sex talk

_selfmade unique PC face

Audio Overhaul

_merged plugin including: Learn Alchemy From Recipes,Werewolves Jump Higher, Barenziah Quest Markers, Dovahkiin Prayer, Sit Anywhere, Dragon Priest Mask Quest Markers, AK-Mines And Mills, AK-Namira For Good Guys,Chesko-level up, guard dialogue overhaul, Imperial soldiers escrot fix, Run for your lives, Tailoring, Alternative Crafting system

Real Shelter,

_Inconsequential NPCs with many tweaks

Skyrim Coin Replacer,

Become a Bard

SL extra voices

dD - Realistic Ragdoll







A matter of time

Name your horse


better potions

SL Solutions

_merged plugin including: dogs of Skyrim, Whistle, Cats of Skyrim, Unique Dogs, Foals of Skyrim, Birds of Skyrim, selfmade mod changing horse stats and appearance of Frost the Horse.

Realistic Needs and Diseases

_Sleeping Inkeepers, tweaked

Better Quest Objectives

SL the book of sex

Various Guard Replacer

_selfmade ferry mod

_merged plugin including: Ufric armor for females, Imperial robes, Stormcloak robes, lefthand rings, dr_bandolier, Amulets of Skyrim, Craftable Khajiit Earrings, Earring set


_selfmade mod adding several named enchanted items to the shops/leveled lists

Disband the Thieves Guild

Better Vampires

Vivid Weathers

_selfmade mod changing vampires' levellists so they don't always dress like necromancers, and eyes so they don't look like demons

_Disease Descriptions (merged main and DLC plugins)

_selfmade mod giving each race unique bodytype and texture

Death Alternative - captured

SL Spouses Enhanced


My home is your home

_merged plugin including: Simply Knock, Wearable Lantern, Autoequip ammo

PC Head Tracking - MCM

PC Head Tracking - Patch


KS Hairdos

Hearthfire Multikid adoption

_merged plugin including: Minty lightning mod, Vivid Weathers - snow, vivid weathers - rain

Vivid Weathers - AOS patch

Alternate Start - Live Another Life

Better quest objectives - Alternate Start patch

Real Shelter patch




It worked for me more or less ok for a time. I say for a time and more or less, because I recently switched from CoT to Vivid weathers, added Audio Overhaul and Real Shelter, and didn't get to finish testing the new set-up properly, because Solitude Crashing started - but not immediatly after the changes, I got to run around Solitude and Katla's farm for a bit. I got some CTDs, but they happened in random locations.


The loadorder in my original post probably looks weird, because for testing I turned off all mods except the ones I was certain couldn't be the problem. I since followed your advice and eventually turned off everything except:







Alternate Start - Live Another Life


Started new game at the docks of Solitude, and CTDed as soon as I got halfway up the stairs towards the city (roughly same place as all the previous times). So... Either the problem is in Alternate Start (unlikely), in one of the plugin-less mods (maybe) or one of the loose files in my data folder (maybe, I have tonnes of them, most of them I don't even remember the purpose of)


Having to look at and list all the things I hoarded over the years, I'm beginning to think that it's high time to go with 'salt and burn it and start over' attitude. Might be less work in the end...

Edited by Syntia13
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I use Nexux Mod Manager (v 0.63.14).


Are you telling me I need to do a completely fresh install, learn to use a new mod manager, reinstall all the mods I want, and recreate all the customizations I added over the years?

(Please don't be saying it... I might cry).


On a more serious note, Open Cities mod only includes 4 files, and none of them are in my Skyrim/data folder, so... what is telling the game to look for it? And why only near Solitude? I can approach other cities just fine.

if that would do better, yes i might say "yes". technically there is ghost copy of "Open Cities" in your problem, and maybe its corrupted so you only crashed near Solitude.




First of all, turn OFF papyrus logging. A papyrus log is NOT A CRASH LOG and you're only confusing yourself.

Good to know. I turned it on before coming here, because for the longest time the first thing you were told in asnwer to any question was "show us your pap logs". That changed, I guess. [edit: huh, the pinned How to ask for help : The proper way to make Skyrim support topics post even says you should do that... is that outdated info?]


I do use XPMSE skeleton, but only the nifs, not the plugin, since none of its functionalities really appeal to me, and if I had it on, I'd have to register dozens of animations that come with it that I'd never use (I want my companions to run around being my sword and shield, not to high-heel cat-walk across the battlefield); since FNIS has upper limit for number of animations, I prefer to save it for werewolf and sexlab anims.


For mods that don't appear in load order, I have: HDT physics extensions, Activate Button Away, Better dialogue controls, Fuz Ro Doh, bug fixes, crash fixes, load game CTD fix (...hm...........) MfgConsole, Optimized Vanilla Textures - HD (twice? why, self?) Papyrus Util, JContainers, Papyrus Util - scripting Utiliy Functions, quest Versioning, SafetyLoad, UIExtensions.

Oh, and enboost, but no actual ENB


My usual loadorder is a nightmare to describe:








Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch




Skyrim Suplemental Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch

Sky Test - RealisticAnimals&Predators



Horse Branding

Death Alternative - ymoyl

SL Matchmaker

SL director

SL Defeat

SL Anim loader

_whole bunch of SL anim packs and anim objects

Take Notes

AK-Placeble Statics


SL sex talk

_selfmade unique PC face

Audio Overhaul

_merged plugin including: Learn Alchemy From Recipes,Werewolves Jump Higher, Barenziah Quest Markers, Dovahkiin Prayer, Sit Anywhere, Dragon Priest Mask Quest Markers, AK-Mines And Mills, AK-Namira For Good Guys,Chesko-level up, guard dialogue overhaul, Imperial soldiers escrot fix, Run for your lives, Tailoring, Alternative Crafting system

Real Shelter,

_Inconsequential NPCs with many tweaks

Skyrim Coin Replacer,

Become a Bard

SL extra voices

dD - Realistic Ragdoll







A matter of time

Name your horse


better potions

SL Solutions

_merged plugin including: dogs of Skyrim, Whistle, Cats of Skyrim, Unique Dogs, Foals of Skyrim, Birds of Skyrim, selfmade mod changing horse stats and appearance of Frost the Horse.

Realistic Needs and Diseases

_Sleeping Inkeepers, tweaked

Better Quest Objectives

SL the book of sex

Various Guard Replacer

_selfmade ferry mod

_merged plugin including: Ufric armor for females, Imperial robes, Stormcloak robes, lefthand rings, dr_bandolier, Amulets of Skyrim, Craftable Khajiit Earrings, Earring set


_selfmade mod adding several named enchanted items to the shops/leveled lists

Disband the Thieves Guild

Better Vampires

Vivid Weathers

_selfmade mod changing vampires' levellists so they don't always dress like necromancers, and eyes so they don't look like demons

_Disease Descriptions (merged main and DLC plugins)

_selfmade mod giving each race unique bodytype and texture

Death Alternative - captured

SL Spouses Enhanced


My home is your home

_merged plugin including: Simply Knock, Wearable Lantern, Autoequip ammo

PC Head Tracking - MCM

PC Head Tracking - Patch


KS Hairdos

Hearthfire Multikid adoption

_merged plugin including: Minty lightning mod, Vivid Weathers - snow, vivid weathers - rain

Vivid Weathers - AOS patch

Alternate Start - Live Another Life

Better quest objectives - Alternate Start patch

Real Shelter patch




It worked for me more or less ok for a time. I say for a time and more or less, because I recently switched from CoT to Vivid weathers, added Audio Overhaul and Real Shelter, and didn't get to finish testing the new set-up properly, because Solitude Crashing started - but not immediatly after the changes, I got to run around Solitude and Katla's farm for a bit. I got some CTDs, but they happened in random locations.


The loadorder in my original post probably looks weird, because for testing I turned off all mods except the ones I was certain couldn't be the problem. I since followed your advice and eventually turned off everything except:







Alternate Start - Live Another Life


Started new game at the docks of Solitude, and CTDed as soon as I got halfway up the stairs towards the city (roughly same place as all the previous times). So... Either the problem is in Alternate Start (unlikely), in one of the plugin-less mods (maybe) or one of the loose files in my data folder (maybe, I have tonnes of them, most of them I don't even remember the purpose of)


Having to look at and list all the things I hoarded over the years, I'm beginning to think that it's high time to go with 'salt and burn it and start over' attitude. Might be less work in the end...



and i see you have "Optimized Vanilla Textures" make sure you already following the step. even if you are wrong, it won't do fatal thing as CTD's, but who knows ?. Solitude and Whiterun is one of "memory eater" location, you can try to allocating more memory in your SKSE ini and your ENB local ini to "1024" first, and see what will happen. Body mods or Body replacers mod doesn't give you CTD's at all, if you wrong installing it, it will just missing textures not thing like CTD's except for XPMSE. but in your case which is only CTD's when near Solitude especially, this is maybe "insufficient memory", try to allocating more memory in your ENB local and SKSE ini as i said before.

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