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Can't craft anything


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Even when I have all the required items and it says I can craft something like gecko steak, it still acts like I can't and doesn't react. I thought it was Vicious Wastes but nothing changed when I disabled it.


Here's my load order:


0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
11 b Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
12 c IWR.esm
13 d New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
14 e Lightweight Strip Overhaul.esm
15 f T6M Equipment Replacer NV.esm
16 10 FCOMaster.esm
17 11 oHUD.esm
18 12 Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm
19 13 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
20 14 Vurt's WFO.esp
21 15 brayduck_classic.esp
22 16 Uncut Wasteland.esp
23 17 SimpleStreetLights (Extra Lights).esp
24 18 New Vegas Landscape Overhaul.esp
25 19 Vicious Wastes.esp
26 1a The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul.esp
27 1b MetalBoxes.esp
28 1c jsawyer.esp
29 1d Fellout.esp
30 1e L38Improved.esp
31 1f TLD_Travelers.esp
32 20 Vicious Wastes - Complete.esp
33 21 ImmersivePickupSoundsFNV.esp
34 22 NVR3_YUP Patch.esp
35 23 Unofficial Patch Plus.esp
36 24 IWR - Rebuilt.esp
37 25 LegionAIFix.esp
38 26 ArizonaArmy.esp
39 27 RaestlozFactionArmorEnhancement.esp
40 28 ADAM Complete.esp
41 29 ADAM - MERGE.esp
42 2a Sound overhaul 2018 - ALL DLCs.esp
43 2b IMPACT.esp
44 2c lexx_brahmin-variant.esp
45 2d MojaveSandyDesert.esp
46 2e Type3MClothing.esp
47 2f Primm Reputation Restored.esp
48 30 Vicious Wastes - JSawyer.esp
49 31 Snow Globe Quest.esp
50 32 IEGoodsprings.esp
51 33 Strip Wall Billboards.esp
52 34 NVR3_TLDTravelers Patch.esp
53 35 Combined Weapons.esp
54 36 KillableKids.esp
55 37 Armor Replacer Child NPC Fix.esp
56 38 Awesome Crippling Effects v1.8.esp
57 39 Better Pickup Prompt.esp
58 3a ChildSoldiers.esp
59 3b Diagonal movement.esp
60 3c Distributed Necklaces and Chains.esp
61 3d EnhancedGrass_NoVL.esp
62 3e FCO - GlowingOne.esp
63 3f FO2CombatArmor.esp
64 40 FOVSlider.esp
65 41 OWB-Path Lights - Darker Nights.esp
66 42 Fellout-OWB.esp
67 43 FlashlightNVSE.esp
68 44 GrenadeKey - DLCs.esp
69 45 Grunt perk fix - DM LR GRA.esp
70 46 HelplessFalling.esp
71 47 HeroinZero Weapon Fixes.esp
72 48 IMPACT - AllDLC.esp
73 49 Weapon Retexture Project.esp
74 4a Integration - Couriers Stash.esp
75 4b RebreatherRestoration.esp
76 4c JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp
77 4d MeleeCleave.esp
78 4e JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating.esp
79 4f Karabiner98k.esp
80 50 MuchNeededLOD.esp
81 51 NukaCola-Ojo.esp
82 52 LimestoneLOD.esp
83 53 ScottmackWeaponPack.esp
84 54 LeeEnfieldMkIII.esp
85 55 LeeEnfieldNo4.esp
86 56 LootMenu.esp
87 57 Male_Sleepwear_Open.esp
88 58 MiscItemIconsNV.esp
89 59 NVR3_ArmorReplacerChildNPCFix Patch.esp
90 5a NVR3_LegionAIFix Patch.esp
91 5b NVR3_UnofficialPatchPlus Patch.esp
92 5c New Icons For T-51B FONV Edition.esp
93 5d New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
94 5e OWB-Path Lights.esp
95 5f Psycho and Slasher Bonus Damage Fix.esp
96 60 Ragdolls.esp
97 61 RangerHuntingCarbineSequoia.esp
98 62 SpoonRedone.esp
99 63 ScottmackImprovisedPPSh.esp
100 64 ScottmacksBastardGun.esp
101 65 SimpleStreetLightFix.esp
102 66 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
103 67 The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
104 68 Type3MClothing_HH.esp
105 69 Type3MClothing_OWB.esp
106 6a ZoomingScope.esp
107 6b bzArmour.esp
108 6c christinecos.esp
109 6d dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
110 6e dD-More Gore.esp
111 6f lexx_rifleholster.esp
112 70 Combat Music.esp
113 71 MeleeReachFixed.esp
114 72 NVFeralGhoulChildren.esp
115 73 Street Light Restoration.esp
116 74 faster death reload time.esp
117 75 FixHitESP.esp
118 76 Sprint.esp
119 77 The Town of Vice - A Gomorrah Overhaul.esp
120 78 Vicious Wastes - Bleeding.esp
121 79 ADAM - MAIN.esp
122 7a NVR3_ArizonaArmy Patch.esp
123 7b Vicious Wastes - NVR3.esp
124 7c Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
125 7d FNVLODGen.esp
126 7e tmzLODadditions.esp
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You are aware that certain types of crafted items have to be made at different types of "benches"? That is, "food items and drugs" need to be made using a "campfire", "reloading bench" for "ammo and explosives", and "crafting bench" for "weapons and gear". Usually you are attempting to craft the wrong sort of item on the wrong bench when it refuses to work.


A "mod conflict" will usually cause a "recipe problem", rather than preventing crafting from working at all.


* You really need to use a "Merge Patch File" with that collection of mods. Please see the 'Third Rule: The Rule of One' and 'Merge Patch File' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


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You are aware that certain types of crafted items have to be made at different types of "benches"? That is, "food items and drugs" need to be made using a "campfire", "reloading bench" for "ammo and explosives", and "crafting bench" for "weapons and gear". Usually you are attempting to craft the wrong sort of item on the wrong bench when it refuses to work.


A "mod conflict" will usually cause a "recipe problem", rather than preventing crafting from working at all.


* You really need to use a "Merge Patch File" with that collection of mods. Please see the 'Third Rule: The Rule of One' and 'Merge Patch File' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.



I am

I'm talking about going into a crafting/reloading bench, campfire, etc and seeing that an item is highlighted meaning I can craft it, but not being able to

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I notice you have "JIP Improved Recipe Menu" installed. Make sure you have updated all the requirement files (i.e. The New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE) version 5.1b1 (or newer), and JIP LN NVSE Plugin version 54.80 (or newer)). There was some trouble a few months back where people hadn't done that.


I don't see anything else that might obviously be preventing the crafting system from working. You may need to engage in "Mod Conflict Isolation" to pin down any conflict. Please see the 'Mod Conflict Isolation' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.


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