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Hair Physics Animation


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Just like in the title, my new project mod is about animated hair.

What I have already accomplished :

- Skeleton_female.nif

use for Bipped object animation


- Skeleton_female.hkx

Bone map use for havok animation


- defaultfemale.hkx/defaultmale.hkx

Build for the new skeleton


What Problem I have

- making hair mods

- hair texture for the hair mod

I don't have talents for both ( maybe I have but too lazy to learn it, lol). It will save lot of my time if some ppl that already advance to that help


My progress so far, see the video below :



Please help so I cud focus to the animation

Edited by xp32
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  • 6 months later...

I realize that this an old thread, but do you still have these old skeletons and hairs? Or perhaps I am confused because I user your xp23 skel from the nexus but the pony tail does not move on mine. I also have a wig/glass helmet that has some animations from a Japanese modder that works but it is tied to a really hard to work with skeleton {like hair animation only working on females and then only when running forward, all other directions cause some pretty odd effects. He Did it by adding more spines and hairbones.}. I was also looking at some of the work done on oblivion by Growlf and another modder whos name I am looking for. I am hoping to get a good understanding of the way the rigging works on helmet hair/wigs to try my own from scratch hopefully. OR maybe I shpuld start with one of the more modern skeletons like yours and add some more hair bones and figure out the rigging for wigs. Anyways you are an awesome asset to the modding community and any pointers would be much appreciated.

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