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Vampire stealth lord (remove wings improve claw attacks)


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Id like a stealth based Vampire lord mod.


Remove the wings from the current vampire lord.

Add more claw attacks.

Add claw kill animiation ( fist threw chest pull out heart).

Sneak animation

some kind of summon bow ability usable in vamp lord form.

Sneak feed (that kills)

bonus to sneak and sneak attack damage.



Perhaps add a new vampire assassin guild their was is lore added in the oblivion vile lair dlc that spoke of a vampire splinter faction that broke away from the dark brother hood (the scarlet something).


As a 100% stealth dagger / bow guy, i find it anoying that warriors have a ware wolf option and now mages have a vamp lord option.. We need a stealth Form.

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  • 11 months later...

Realy like this idea!

Also really want a red bound bow, same bound bow but red instead of blue flames. Have it game power for each human killed (like that dlc bow bow of the stag prince but for humans instead of animals), and absorb health and blot out the sun.

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I agree that there's nothing for stealthy characters. I'm only a vampire for the perks and stealth bonuses. I feel that a vampire lord should be stealthy anyway.


However, your mod asks for alot. Now what could be possible is if your character turns Vampire lord like with just claws and can sneak and does a ton of unarmed damage and has the sneak bite kill. That's about it. The bow stuff just doesn't make sense anyways because why would you change form if you just want to snipe people?


That said, I would thoroughly enjoy a transformation that would allow sneaking.

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You say im asking alot, you only listed the bow and wing removal as to much. The wings would be easy to remove.


The bow might be a bit much to add. but i dont think it be asking to much just a new bound bow spell with red glow instead of blue.


Im starting to think the wolf might be better for stelth anyway. Could give it a sneak animation and sneak kill cam animation and it be done. Id also like some stelth bonus while not in wolf form to go with it as well. Could call it warewolf beta or omga and make the form smaller than the vanilla alpha wolves.

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