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How to add a custom race to a certain faction?

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How would I go about adding a custom race to a certain faction, say undead or skeletons, etc? I take it that its not as easy as just adding the faction onto the races presets, is it? Because I tried that once and it didn't seem to work.

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yes sample, i added player to forsworn faction, they are ally now, duplicated cow/goat/chicken/rabbit added forsworn faction to them, now the forsworn don't kill them, they normaly hunt them, now they walk in the forsworn camp


you can add player to any faction, or any faction to the player faction

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Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but I can't find anywhere else. I just started creating mods recently, and I'm having some issues.


For this current issue, I'm using the Lilmothiit(Lykaios) mod and trying to create a custom NPC follower of this race, but every time I try to add him into the game I get a CTD. I have created a few followers before but they've all been vanilla body actors. All I've done to create the follower is:



(In Creation Kit)
Load Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, LykaiosRace.eps


Toggle him Unique, FaceGenData, Essential


Give him a set of BladesArmorNoHelm


Place him in the Bannered Mare



Every time I load in the Bannered Mare I get a CTD. So I tried deleting him from Bannered Mare cell and just using player.placeatme through the console, I CTD as soon as I hit enter.

Am I doing something wrong? I mean I know I am but does anyone know the fix? Do I need to load any other .esm or .esp files? Do I have to do something specific while creating him?


EDIT: I just tried the same process with the Predators mod, creating a Yautja NPC follower. Same issue.

Edited by Dirandir
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