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Simple mod concept, strong emotional impact


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Was talking about this on Steam with a mod author. So, you come out of the vault, and you see the ruins for the first time. But you know kind of what's going to be there. You saw the bomb drop, right. So there it is, your old town, your home, in ruins. But there's no real personal impact. Not seeing Shaun's crib even. And I get that Beth was going for this with the holotape, but even that falls flat. RIght?


So what this mod author, Avrie, has made is the Personal Storm Shelter that gives your Nate/Nora a little back story in the military, and adds some items you'd expect an ex-vet might want to have/keep. So Averie asks, "anything I could add?" And really, it's a well done mod, so not really. But... what if, in this Storm Shelter, you go down into the bunker and right there, in the entry, is a portrait of you, your spouse, and your son. As Avrie pointed out, we already have the ACS Framework, so really what's needed is a way to create a portrait of Nate, Nora, and Shaun, as created by the player. Is this even possible?

Even if it didn't attach to Avrie's mod, I think this would be amazing. Say, let Codsworth hand you TWO holotapes, the original voice message, and a shipping manifest for the portrait and where to retrieve it. Could even be an unknown surprise, i.e. your package is ready for pickup, without detailing what's inside.

Hope I piqued some talented individuals' interest with this.

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The only way I can imagine to create a portrait would be creating clones of Nate, Nora and Shaun, as the mod "Portable Cloning Device" does, then place the clones inside of a box in a interior cell, and freeze them with SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed), the box would have a window by the front side with some semi transparent texture so, when you look through it, it makes the effect of an old picture, you would need to look at it from certain angle, using a furniture to lock the camera angle. So when you activate a portrait with a similar image, but a very blurry one (because it would be the same image for everyone), the game teleports the player to this cell and puts him in this furniture so he can see it. Then, when the player exists from the furniture, teleport the player back to where he initially was.

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Wouldn't it be simpler to take those same clones, snapshot them in front of a preset background, and insert the image into a frame? Or is the engine not capable of handling this? Or a preset background, chest up, no viewable arms or hands, and paste the faces on? Something like a built in 3D to 2D texture conversion for the faces/hair? And then paste those face images on the aforementioned background/bodies?

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There's no function in CK that accomplishes this. You can do a screenshot, convert it to dds and place it in the textures folder so it shows up in the game, but there's no way to do that in-game.

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The only way I can imagine to create a portrait would be creating clones of Nate, Nora and Shaun,

This was my first thought too (create the scene in the CK, take a picture), but the time you found this picture is after the character creation ingame, so the picture shows an other person for Nora/Nate.

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This was my first thought too (create the scene in the CK, take a picture)



create the scene in the CK, take a picture This has nothing to do with what I've proposed. Every step of my proposal is meant to be done with scripts in-game, not in the CK.

Edited by DieFeM
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Could the two theories be combined? Set the scene with cutouts pointing to, say 'player_nate_2d.dds' and 'player_nora_2d.dds'. Then recreate/rewrite the image on any looks exit? Or just a hard write on vault exit to rp face changer surgeries.

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Personally i think your overthinking this a bit. Why have all 3 in the pic? Why not a pic showing your loved ones? If you are a male (aka Nate) you see a pic of Nora and Shaun, if your playing a female (aka Nora) you see a picture of Nate and Shaun.


Alternately the picture is somewhat damaged and shows the 3rd person (you) but it is damaged in some way so you don't see them clearly enough to identify them. The picture is after all over 200 years old.

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