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Is there an easier way


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For hours, I've tried to make a mannequin for the player house mod I am doing and I've succeeded once but I could not move it into position because the mannequin activate trig seems to still be active because I get that little triangle at the base and I've watched enough YouTube creation kit tutorials on mannequins and it seems like I'm missing a step or has something change and on top of that every video is 4-7 years old, no new videos on the subject and everyone goes thru the video so damn fast that for a while I did not know I had to double click on link reference, very infuriating. Someone know of a newer video so I can make my mannequins, planters, bookshelves, etc. Thank you for your time here's hoping for the best.

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Not sure about mannequins, but Darkfox127 has a decent video about planters. Mannequins and bookshelves, I usually just end up copying and pasting, from some other home.


I've used his videos and I've finally managed to create a mannequin but he left out a couple of things like getting rid of resizing widget which I've come to understand will hinder in the re-positioning of mannequins and double clicking on link reference but his video pointed me in the direction I wanted to go and I still use his videos for creating other mod additions but at this point I've watched so many videos it's become a mash-up of videos stuck in my head... :D

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