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Petition : Allow Dragonborn to marry Serana !


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Hey Everyone !



After playing through the Vampire Clan questline from the new Dawnguard DLC, many players were disappointed in the fact that Serana was not able to be married. After spending so much time with Serana, and appearing to form special bonds with her, many felt that she would be an excellent choice for a wife. As stated by one player: "You actually seem to create a very strong connection and a great deal of personal trust with Serana. She might be the closest and most real relationship that I've ever seen in an Elder Scrolls game."


As a result, this petition has been created to rally support for the inclusion of Serana as a character you can marry. Sign up, and help us show Bethesda how strongly we feel about this. Together, we can make a difference!


Click the link below, sign the petition and share if u want the best female in game to be yours.



Bethesda Softworks: Allow Serana to be married!







Edited by TheInSoMnIaC97
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