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I've looked at a few "Better Winterhold" mods, but all of them impose their changes on the game. I'd like to see a mod that allows the player to invest in the town, and through those investments to rebuild.


Once you're Thane or Archmage, you can rebuild the burned down houses into an enchanter's shop and some other type of mage store (maybe a mage staff store? There isn't one of those yet). Rebuilding these two stores will in turn attract new visitors/inhabitants to Winterhold and give you options to maybe fix a thing or two (like the bridge). The big clue is that these things aren't just changed in the game, but that they are things for the player to do.


This would actually be good advice for many "improved" mods, really. Letting the player have a hand in improving things is actually much more satisfying that just seeing the beautiful changes!

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