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Did Dawnguard and the latest Update make life a pain for anyone else?


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Ever since installing Dawnguard and the latest Update for Skyrim, mods have been breaking left and right, specifically Monster Wars, Monster Mod More Spawns, and Alternate Start. Those three mods and Dawnguard started causing consistent, repeatable CTDs that stopped occuring once they were disabled, where as before the latest update everything was working just fine. Leaving the cave at the end of the starting sequence in particular is still a crap shoot... it might crash, it might not, and that's with no mods installed other than the update.


Has anyone else had this expirience with the latest update?

Do I pretty much just have to wait for the authors of those three mods to make updates?

Is Dawnguard just too new, and I have to wait for some updates for it, as well as an unnofficial patch from the mod community?



Im scared to start a new game and get too involved with it, because I'm always wondering when that next step will lead me into a new repeatable CTD.

Edited by redeyesandlonghair
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At first I thought I couldn't use Dawnguard because Wrye Bash unchecked it for missing string localization files in scary red, but later I checked it and the Orc dude came up to me and vampires are attacking and I got the 'joining the dawnguard thing so I guess it's fine. Do you need 1.7 skyrim to run Dawnguard? Oh and to answer your question I don't know but it's fine for me. Dawnguard doesn't really seem new to me. I remember installing Vjarkell castle caused CTD's but they weren't random it was only while the main menu was loading :/
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