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I've been using Multiple Followers Lite from the Steam Workshop for so long, I can barely remember not having it. It adds a power(Adventurers Assemble), changes a dialogue option("Follow me; I need your help" -> "Follow me for adventure!") and allows you to recruit up to seven followers at once. That's it. So simple. Some would say inadequate, but with a couple of other mods, I was more than satisfied. Then it turned out to be wholly incompatible with a new mod that I have decided is essential. I don't want to go back to only having one follower at a time, but if I have to, this mod is worth it. Still, I don't want to, so I'd like to try other multiple follower options.

Simple Multiple Followers Advanced includes features that do similar but inferior things to the supplemental mods I mentioned earlier. It is complicated and not at all user friendly. Followers Unlimited adds 21 new followers. They are neither needed nor wanted. And just the description of Ultimate Follower Overhaul makes my eyes cross with its complexity. Forgetting the summon spell and the altered dialogue, is there a simple way to increase the number of followers I can have at one time; perhaps with a console command? Or could someone make a bare bones multi follower mod for Nexus?

Edited by Erusion29
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