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Creating A Mercenary Company


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Since I downloaded the UFO and started traveling with several of my followers, doing quests together and stuff of such, I began to consider my Dovakiin to be sort of a mercenary leader. gathering people to become part of his band.


But I suppose this could be taken a step further.


Basically what I would suggest is creating a way to "create" and formalize the Company itself. Perhaps an NPC that has offices in one, or all, mayor holds, would require the Dovakiin to pay a sum of money to set the Company name. Maybe the NPC will just say that he'll promote the Company and that's why he requires payment. Publicity, of what have you.

Then maybe, the player could "recruit" a follower into his Mercenary Company, in a similar fashion to the way we can already recruit said followers into the Blades, but with a higher limit.


I would assume that this mods wouldn't really need to have compatibility with any house mod since "My Home is Your Home" mod, combined with "Followers Can Relax" and "UFO" would simply allow you to relocate the Followers you have recruited into any possible player home.


Now, what would be the point of creating a mercenary company?


It could be the basic one: Cash.


The NPC that would allow you to create the Company could send you letters via Courier, with details of a possible job that needs to be completed. "Go X and kill Y", "retrieve Z", etc.


This is, of course, just an Idea. If anyone managed to get this done, all credit to them.


Now, I'm off to get some more people for this would be comp of my. Good Luck.

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I really want something like this to be made. Except in my head it would play better as if the dovahkin was making more of an army to protect the lands from dragons and other potential threats, sort of like a 'dovah guard' type thing. I've actually been looking into forts and castles that could hold a lot of companions combining one of these forts, with Followers can relax, UFO and my home if your home. and you could make a sort of army of followers all ready to protect the lands.
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Since I downloaded the UFO and started traveling with several of my followers, doing quests together and stuff of such, I began to consider my Dovakiin to be sort of a mercenary leader. gathering people to become part of his band.


But I suppose this could be taken a step further.


Basically what I would suggest is creating a way to "create" and formalize the Company itself. Perhaps an NPC that has offices in one, or all, mayor holds, would require the Dovakiin to pay a sum of money to set the Company name. Maybe the NPC will just say that he'll promote the Company and that's why he requires payment. Publicity, of what have you.

Then maybe, the player could "recruit" a follower into his Mercenary Company, in a similar fashion to the way we can already recruit said followers into the Blades, but with a higher limit.


I would assume that this mods wouldn't really need to have compatibility with any house mod since "My Home is Your Home" mod, combined with "Followers Can Relax" and "UFO" would simply allow you to relocate the Followers you have recruited into any possible player home.


Now, what would be the point of creating a mercenary company?


It could be the basic one: Cash.


The NPC that would allow you to create the Company could send you letters via Courier, with details of a possible job that needs to be completed. "Go X and kill Y", "retrieve Z", etc.


This is, of course, just an Idea. If anyone managed to get this done, all credit to them.


Now, I'm off to get some more people for this would be comp of my. Good Luck.


Well, that could be worked around too. Perhaps when you created the "company" you'll be asked what kind of jobs would you like to focus on. Like Dragon slaying, Head Hunting, Pests Extermination, Vigilante, and so on.


The Focus could simply affect what kinds of jobs you are offered. If your Company was into Dragon Slaying, most, not all, of your jobs, would be designed to hunt dragons. Every now and then you would get a small, non-focus, quest, of course, to get things fresh.

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