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Skyrim music not epic enough?


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Hey guys,


Im working on a list of music i find appropriate for the game, as the music currently doesnt really.. feel to me.


i like epic rpg music like chrono trigger and stuff like that, aswell im also a DJ and entertain people with trance house and club stuff all that fancy things.


if a mod'developer wants to work with me since i have dont have the time to do this, i assure you i will be on top of my side of things.


im thinking of having music for settlements/ inn's forest's in selected regions for factor of fitting and if we have the time we can get indeph and make certain scenes for the story and what not give a more emotional feel.


hit me up.


ill post more on the site about this once the list is big,. so far i got 2 pages awesome tracks that suite the game very well.

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Just please be careful not to use any copyrighted music without the permission of the copyright holder.


Most music you find on the 'Free' sites is copyrighted. You can go to jail for that since the US Injustice department has decreed that copyright infringement is now a criminal offense and no longer a civil offense. :whistling:


If you don't know the difference -

Civil - you get sued by the copyright owner. If they win, you pay them a huge settlement - But no jail.

Criminal - You are locked up by the cops and you are prosecuted as a thief. Jail time AND a fine.


If the music is copyrighted, we just remove the mod and ban the uploader.

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Just please be careful not to use any copyrighted music without the permission of the copyright holder.

If you don't know the difference -

If the music is copyrighted, we just remove the mod and ban the uploader.



also i wanted to add, in a game like this. i wouldnt be making profit.

I also wouldnt be releasing the full music track, as i am permitted to loop ANY song to a certain amount :)


so, i believe in this situation i would have loops playing in areas.

ill def still speak to the artists about the music and copyright permissions tho


but im in the clear in copyright laws if i chose not to speak to them

Edited by rist
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