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Skyrim Start-Up Crashing


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Skyrim LE starts up, Bethesda logo comes up, and then it insta-dies.


At first I thought it was by using a combination of Steam Workshop Mods and Nexus Mods, but even after I disabled all my Steam Workshop mods it still crashed.


I ran LOOT and TES5Edit and everything seems to be running fine according to them, yet I still have the crash.


My current mod list is:

1. Lockpick Pro v3

2. Realistic Ragdolls and Force

3. SkyUI_5_1

4. A Quality World Map 9.0.1 - Vivid with Stone Roads

5. Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM - SMIM 2-08

6. BarenziahQuestMarkers_v1-3

7. Better Vampires 8.2

8. Unread Books Glow

9. Auto Unequip Ammo v5_0

10. Cloaks of Skyrim 1-2

11. Immersive Patrols

12. Apocalypse v945 - No DLC

13. Bandolier - Bags and Pouches v1dot2

14. The Paarthurnax Dilemma

15. Immersive Armors v8

16. Run For Your Lives

17. Skyrim Immersive Creatures v6_5_2b NMM BAIN

18. Immersive Weapons

19. Immersive Saturation Boost

20. Immersive College of Winterhold

21. A Matter of Time

22. HDT Physics Extensions

23. VioLens - A Killmove Mod 2.11

24. JK's Skyrim all in one.

25. The Forgotten City

26. Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch

27. Training

28. More Dragon Loot

29. Sounds of Skyrim Complete LE

30. Smelting Plus (Old Skyrim)


Am I missing anything? Not too observant when it comes to this sort of stuff, so if I'm being totally honest I could've missed something that's staring me right in my face.













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hey there.


when you are getting back to the windows screen or "kicked out of the game", it can be called CTD's. there is many problem that can cause this thing happening, like wrong placement of mods, incompatible mods, insufficient memory, broken mods, requirements, and lot that i can't explain all of it. first if you're "new" to the modding, always read the mod description page, carefully read the page first then you can choose the best option of mod out there.


now let's move to your mod list.


i don't see any problem with it, not "big enough", but it can be fatal like when you have all of Skyrim DLC's why'd you still installing mods for "No DLC" one like "Apocalypse v945 - No DLC", you need to "always read the description page says about the mods like requirements, incompatibility, and compatibility", if you read that thing carefully you won't get any big problem. do you still have another mods that doesn't have plugins ?, like "Racemenu" or anything else ?, if yes that would be great if you provided us with the sheet of it. make sure you already have "XPMSE" and "FNIS", as many mods depend on this mod, especially the "bouncing one" and animation.


so basically you need to re arrange your "left window" of your mod manager.

my personal setting is, Core (DLC) ----> USLEEP ----> visual improvements (SMIM, Skyrim 2K) ----> Race tools (Net immerse overide, Racemenu/ECE) ----> Character improvement mods (Brow, Skin replacer, Skin Textures etc) ----> HDT physic extension, "bouncing mods" ----> tools/utility/fixes (XPMSE, Jcontainer, Female Facial Animation, mfg console, ENB Brow, Cart Bug Fix etc.) ----> free slots (Armoury, weapon, Dragon replacer etc.) ----> DSR (if you have) ----> extended visual improvements (Skyrim 4K Parallax, ENB that use installer, DynDOLOD). that should do good for order.


i can't explain it further because it's lack of information, like the last mods that you installed before it goes CTD's and many more, feel free to PM me to discuss this further. hope this help.

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