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Morrowind Bards for Solstheim


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Hey Everybody :smile:. Going to Solstheim is always fun meeting those people and a tiny taste of the Dunmer, the "Wretching Netch" especially. One thing I've always wondered there though is the *Lack.. of any Bard. Raven Rock and the Retching Netch especially are Indicative of the Dunmer and their culture but a Bard would be much more influential then all that put together.

I've found Some songs on "https://youtube.com /watch?V=DFJFPnmpYm0" however I've also read creating a bard with totally unique songs can be quite difficult. Are there any concise procedures for this? my skills certainly arnt yet up to that level. This would certainly make Solstheim much better.


Edited by MikeCobalt
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