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Increase roaming area for followers with homes.


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I built Lakeview manor and installed My Home is Your Home so I could assign home to followers.


Now they never go outside, except when we go on quests/hunting/etc.


It'd be nice to increase their roaming range to the outlines of my compound rather than the interior walls of the house itself, so that my interactions at home weren't always confined to interior space. If I could do so via console, I would, but I either lack the skills/knowledge (I've only been playing Skyrim for about a month, and my console skills are limited) or it's not done that way.


I don't know if this is a practical idea or not. But if it is, it'd be a great addition, so that followers could take advantage of something more than fighting for a seat at the dining room table

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I think you would probably have to create a separate AI package, either for each follower individually, or use a script to somehow inject it into a follower when they are assigned to the home. Unfortunately, I believe the AI package would also need to specify which cell/home/area they are to roam as well.


You might be able to tell them "this is your new home" in the main living area, take them to a bedroom and tell them "you can sleep here at night," and then take them outside and tell them they can work that area. This should use the "about this particular area" dialog. Be careful using the "guard this area," though. There have been some problems with them aggroing on other followers, stewards, etc. They take their guarding seriously, apparently.

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Thanks for the reply. Ah... So that's what the "you can sleep here tonight", "you can work here" thing is. I read a few posts on the mod prior to installing, and as a result was leery about pursuing the outdoor directives due to all the people complaining about patrolling and attacking other followers the steward, guards, as well as my initial misunderstanding that it was an "either or", ie, you can assign one and only one of those options, instead of what you've clarified, ie, you can assign the home, AND the place they sleep, and the area they can work.


I'll give it another shot.



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Yeah, it's kind of weird. I discovered that by accident, but it seems to work. The only thing I think that overlaps is "guard" and "sleep," as they both only give me a night time option, but after seeing how they behave on guard duty, it's not something I use anyway. If you have them working outside, during the day, they won't aggro or warn like bandits do, but they'll still fight if something shows up and attacks. That seems to work ok, and most of my specific guard mods have that same thing in their AI packages, so they have guard dialog and belong to the guard faction, but they're actually just sandboxing in a location while they're on duty. It was simpler that way.


I have been told of another version, MHIYH 2 Plus, which is supposed to support more NPCs and allow you to choose AM or PM work/sleep times, but I can't try it out until I'm ready to start a new game.

Edited by thumbincubation
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