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Busted Store UI?


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Ok, not entirely sure what happened. I haven't played BT in a while, so I updated all my mods. I then created a mod that added a bunch of stuff to the Ur'Cruinne store. Launched the game to test, went to the store, and noticed the UI is borked. It has the general categories, but the space where the specific categories go is blank. The Buy button looks like %BUY%. If I click on one of the general categories, it brings the specific category icons back, but then the general category 'sticks'.


I Verified my cache and reinstalled ModTek. I tried removing the mod that I created. I have absolutely no idea what mod could possibly be doing it. Obviously one or more of the mods that I'm running is causing this; does anyone offhand know if any of the mods from this site are experiencing this issue?

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From what I can see you have the starsystemdef_UrCruinne.json and the career one in Streaming Assets meaning they will overwrite the whole starsystem files and cause your issue.

You don't need to use the StreamingAssets folder.


Move them to a StarSystem subfolder in your mod and add a line in your mod json manifest entry to include the starystem merges.


{ "Type": "StarSystemDef", "Path": "Starsystem" }

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