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Crashes when saving

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I've been playing for a while now (29 hours) with no major problems that I haven't been able to fix, and believe me I've had a lot of them. But this one has me really stumped. I installed the Stutter Remover from the Nexus and now my game crashes when I save. I disabled the mod but it still crashes when I save, no matter what save I have loaded. If I do the kill myself trick I can save all I want in the current cell but as soon as I change cells and try to save it crashes again. I have to say over the last 4 years I've spent more time on the Internet trying to fix this broken game than actually playing it. I'm at my wits end here.


I'm not sure how to post my load order in text form, any help would be appreciated there

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Yeah well try crying in the rain. Something like 15-25% of the mods out there contain identical to master records, items set to delete, incorrect masters. Then sub-standard quality in wide spread areas of the game from players creating mods, not developers, or even players learning to be developers. Something like 3% of all mods are actually created correctly. So now take a look at your long bulky load order an you have the answer as to why the performance is sub-par.


You can clean the mods which will correct about 75% of your random crashing durring gameplay. The other 25% is a direct result of the quality of the work contained in the mod as well as your save game practices. Using stutter remover or any other mod that is designed to "fix" something means the gloves are off, as the game is now being used in a way it wasn't designed for. *ahem* hint hint, prolly a good reason not to use that stuff, but whatever you like.


Crash upon save can be repaired by using FO3 edit to apply a master update. This was a quickfix to the 1.4-1.5 game patch issues a few years ago. There used to be problems from using too many mods or .bsa and certian other things. Master update allowed people to patch, but keep the mods. It just so happeneds it also will resolve crash upon save for some reason unknown to us. What you would do is download FO3 edit. It gets installed to the game directory where the Fallout.exe is. Then you would make a shortcut of the FO3 edit .exe, right click it, properties, start at the end of the target line, add a space, then add -masterupdate hit apply/ok. Then place that shortcut in a folder named master update, inside that folder create another folder an name it restore, copy the .exe into the restore folder, then edit that .exe target line to say -masterrestore. Double click the master update one to launch it, it will then automaticly turn all the mods into psudo .esm then it saves that when you hit X. If I remember correctly it makes backup copies of all the mods, so after it's done go to the data folder an delete those.


Now you can save the game again without crashing. Though it's mostly useless to have all the mods as masters, but benign, or harmless in otherwords. It becomes a problem if you are making edits to any of those mods as a modder, because you can't save masters in the GECK, only plug ins. Though you can edit a master all you want with FO3 edit itself. To that end It would be experimental to say master update it, then load the game, then save the game, then master restore, which would turn them all back how they were before, but possible yeild a save game you can load without master update which won't crash at save. However, 8-29 hours from that point you could have the same problem. Master update fixes as well as prevents the problem. This problem doesn't happen often, thankfully.

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