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Mod added mannequins issue...any ideas?


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For a while I have been trying to figure out a solution, if any, to mod added mannequins constantly unequipping armor when cells reset or when leaving the game. I have been wanting to make full use of mods such as the "Dovahkiins Warehouse and Bedroom" mod , that adds a lot of extra mannequins to the game, but the mannequins constantly unequip the armor I place on them. I have seen videos and screenshots of similar mods, and the Warehouse mod, working with all mannequins armored properly, but I can't seem to keep the armors from being unequipped by them when leaving/starting the game or when cells reset, even though the armor is still in their inventory.


I have installed SLuckyD's "Vanilla Mannequin Script Fix," which helps to keep them from wandering around, but not with the armor issue. I know the fix was intended primarily for the standard vanilla mannequins, but I heard it works for mod added mannequins as well. Anyway, I have that installed, plus an additional mesh replacment mod, "Sexy Mannequins by ch0k3h0ld", and I was wandering if anyone has an alternative method to prevent mod added mannequins from unequipping armor. This happens with any player home/room mod with mannequins I try, so I know it's not the individual mods themselves, but the Vanilla Mannequin fix doesn't seem to work as well for mannequins added by a mod.


Anyone have any ideas on what I can do here, or is it unavoidable at the moment?

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