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DaedalusMachina007 - Formal warning issued

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DaedalusMachina007 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:

The formal warning is being issued for leaving a disparaging comment insulting a mod author unprovoked.

From our ToS:
"Please, abstain from interacting with content that does not meet your subjective standards. Excessive disparagement of such content will result in administrative action against your account."

I'm glad you have no issues with leeching Donation Points from content that you didn't bother to create.
Loading Screens from other users: https://www.nexusmod...yrim/mods/73151

That's the one with the most downloads, but every 'mod' that you have listed above 1k+ downloads uses 'user generated content' that you didn't create.

But hey, whatever floats your boat. Enjoy the game, scrub. :tongue:
Come back to talk about the true spirit of modding when you actually make your own mods.


This warning was issued for what took place here and here

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