Atmogenic Posted May 16, 2019 Share Posted May 16, 2019 (edited) I've fixed the issue, the problem was that the races for the kids still had the flag 'child' in them and i had to remove them to stop kids from fleeing from combat. I figured this out thanks to someone who answered a person having an identical issue to mine with the TKAA mod. Hello everyone, I'm having a troublesome issue right now that i've been trying to solve since yesterday for the past 6 hours or so and that issue is getting one of the kids from the TKAA mod to become my follower and to attack enemies. I'm able to make them my follower thanks to EFF but I haven't succeeded at all making them attack even with OP gear i've gave them and almost all spells. This is what I have tried so far and every one of these have had no success: changing their confidence and aggression to a high value from console commands = failed casting the courage, bravery or rally spell on them = failed going on Tes5edit and changing their confidence, aggression and assistance to the desired level that a normal follower would have = failed going on creation kit and loading up TKAA.esp in hopes this would fix the issue and doing the exact same thing as i did with Tes5edit = failed adding a combat style if they don't have one from copying and pasting one from another kid from the mod = failed added a potentialfollowerfaction to them just to see maybe they need to be recruited the original way to make the changes take effect = failed I've literally ran out of ideas on what to do to see why this isn't working, the particular kid I want as a follower is Genevier who is the female snow elf child but no matter what i've done she still won't attack a single thing and just cowers away. I've checked her confidence and aggression (with the mfg console) and they're still the same which i set them as which is aggression 1 and confidence 3 and yet nothing has changed with her. I did mess around with her skills stuff such as her magic skills so I could give her more powerful spells she could use, but for some reason that didn't change until after some time of trying to make her attack stuff it changed to the levels i wanted her skills to be (including her health, magicka and stamina) so when I saw that and got my hopes up that she will finally attack enemies and be what a follower should be doing. But only to be disappointed once again that she just says "get away" and flees the battle area only to come back when the enemy has been defeated. Idk if it's because the adopting prevents them from being able to attack enemies or something but I find it quite annoying that I can't recruit any of the children (that aren't a hostile race) to be my follower and to fight with me in battle. So I would be very grateful if someone can help me out here and hopefully its just a simple thing i've missed rather than a whole bunch of stuff. Thanks :happy: Update: It seem I may have fixed the factions with the kids so they no longer attack me so they're easy to recruit. I just replaced their hostility faction (i.e vampire, forsworn, bandit and etc) with the factions a normal follower has to be recruited. I also removed the adoption faction as that causes problems recruiting them with EFF and is quite an annoying issue but it seems I've fixed that stuff. So the only issue now is still why the confidence and aggression are not sticking to the characters even when mfg console shows they have aggression 2 and confidence 4. sorry i forgot to give my list as i haven't had an issue for such a long time Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmUnofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.espApachiiHairFemales.esmApachiiHairMales.esmAzarHair.esmSexLab.esmDevious Devices - Assets.esmSexLabAroused.esmDevious Devices - Integration.esmZaZAnimationPack.esmDevious Devices - Expansion.esmEFFCore.esmRaceCompatibility.esmElinRace.esmElinRaceTaint.esmElinRace_AIO_HairPack.esmHeels Sound.esmHeretical Resources.esmSchlongs of Skyrim - Core.esmTKChildren.esmZazExtensionPack.esmhdtHighHeel.esmbattlenymphs.esmSkyrim Bigger Trees Full.espNexusSkyrimOverhaul_Magic.espnorequiredperks.espNo Fear 1-1.espDeadlySpellImpacts.espThe Paarthurnax Ultimatum.espTake All Lose Gold and Arrows.espproudspiremanortnf.espK-Girl UUNP.espXX_bnspackclothesHH.espxianjian3mojian3.espSword_of_a_Thousand_Truths.espDivine Swords - Full pack 2H.espDS2 Chaos Fang Scythe.espFFUltimaBladeGizmodianSkyrim.espDenassaG_MageRobes.espFNIS_PCEA2.espPublic Poser.espskeletons_noglow.espRandom Emotions.espCombatFatigue.espDenassaG_MageRobesBoots.espDG High Heels.espcraftwings.espRunDBRun.espWintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.espWeightless.espImmersive Jewelry.esphjerimtnf.espLakeview_Extended.espHSTNF.espElinRace Enemy NR.espVHTNF.espFTFI Fast Travel From Indoors.espBHTNF.espartifact disenchanting.espRed Eagles Fury-Bane Redone.espepiccreaturesskyrim.espInconsequential NPCs.espFantasy cities (Weapons only).espwinterhold+.espTKAA.espElinRace NewNPC.espGizmodian-Obliviweapons.espAdded_Killmoves_All_Weapons+Last_Enemy_Limit_Removed+Player_cannot_be_killmoved.espShout-tastic_no CD.espElinRace Enemy.esphigh level enemies.espbetter blacksmithing.espbetter_fast_travel.espRiverwoodKeep.espmihailzombies.espzuzugs monster mod madness.espElinRace NPC.espArcanum.espFrontDecapM.espMrBs-UniqueLootNonDLC.espmestructionspellsimproved.espspellpack1.espSexLab_Dialogues.espmidas magic expanded.espspellpack2.espNo5F.espGuards are Chickens.espAtmospheric Whiterun.espcommunitycollege.espriverwoodenhancedplugin.espImmersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Lite.espking's test 3.espabundant enchantments.espTeraElinEyes.esp10 extra effect.esp[DaedricDoll] Blahberry Conversions.esp3 day respawn.espUIExtensions.espAddItemMenu2.espArmor and Clothing for Kids Patch - Vanilla + DLC Patches.espArmor and Clothing for Vanilla Child Races.espMidasSkyrim.espBloody Cannibalism.espSchlongs of Skyrim.espSOS - Shop.espNoCobWebsInHouses.espDragonborn Crafting Hall LE.espSkyRealism - Portable Crafting Kits.espDopplegangerFollower.espThe Manipulator.espgoldpiles.espSexLab-Parasites.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espazureaurasword.espspellpack4.espspellpack3.esptbmchrysamere.espLevitate Toggle-able Spell.espNo_3rd_Person_killcam-3rd_Person_only-leftsideclose.espDudestiaMultiMarriages.espJSB-AdvancedDestruction.espAssassinsCreedArmor.espkillmoverandom-50-P-L.espKillAnimationAlways.espMasterEnchanter.espenchantmentcleanser.espkatanaamr.espCeciliaFollower.espChild Adoption.espChildren can wear all.espTKChildren_V.espChildrenOSEyesNoHFV3B.espCollar.espConverterSkull.espCrainteVomir.espDIMclothes1.espDarksiders 2 Death Scythe.espHatred Of Dragon.espDragonslayerarrows - Vanilla Temper.espEFFDialogue.espEK_RingLimiter.espSuccubusRaceLite.espElin Custom Voice Followers.espElinRaceVoice.espElin_HDT_Ears_n_Tails.esprealmshatterweaponpack.espScythe Weapon mingyannu.espRRSeifuku.espFate and Volition weapons collections.espEndLives.espEnhanced Fall damage.espEyes of Aber.espFNIS.espFortify Enchanting necklace.espFull Magic Scaling.espGrimsever.espHeadcrab_BunnyOutfit.espHeartBreaker.espHearthfireMultiKid.espHearthfireMultiKid_LastName.espHentaiSuccubusArmor.espHigh Society.espHonoka Maid.espHunters Not Bandits.espIcyV HakuWeddingDress for LE.espKCEBattleClaws.espKS Hairdo's.espKS Hairdos - HDT.espKSWigsHDT.espLenhador.espLovelyHairstylesCE.espMikuHairElin.espMiyus Clothes Mix.espMoreGold.espNK_EyeCusomizationOverhaul.espNew Weapons for Skyrim SS.espNo Crime Teleport.espNo NPC Greetings.espNo6F.espQuickStart3_NoHelmet.espRaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuMorphsCBBE.espRaceMenuPlugin.espSL Deadly Drain.espSLAdventures.espSOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.espSexLab Romance.espSid_DBNM.espSimpleOutfitManager.espSissySuite.espSize Does Matter.espSkyUI.espSummonElinRing.espSummonFollowers.espSwordplayFinishers.espTKChildren_DB.espTKChildren_HF.espTheViciousHeart.espThor.espTkCHildren - Inconsequential NPCs.espVindictusMiniDress.espWetandCold.espWhirl_Wind_Sprint_ReDone.espYoureInMyWay.esp[NINI] Training Cube.esp_ImoMegane.espImo Megane Elinrace.espOsare SchoolUniform.espa_touhou_loading_screen.espNo2F.espEnchantMagicPower.espbox66follower02.espbrat_3x_merchants_sp0.espbrat_pickpockets_sp0.espcalyps-animal-ears.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espKCEUnarmedBladeSound.espdd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.espdecap_chance_30.espTheEyesOfBeauty.espenchantmentcleanserdlc1.espfollower trap safety.espfox-disablefoxbreathsound.esphdplants+herbs.esphqsnow.espincreasedlootinchests1.0.esplusciousfaces.espnew-enchantments.espnofriendlyfire.espnoguardhelmets.espnumenume femalebrows MARO.esppacifist mini-mods collection.esppurewaters.esprandomthunder.espreal glaciers v2.esprealistic piercing arrows.espschwertleite set.espspawners_killablechildren.espstarseeker.espsurprise.esptypemoonWeapon.espunlimited shouts.espunreadbooksglow.espBattlemage Staves.espbreezehomeenchanter.espgianthammer.esprapier.espMainMenu.espcxknmsl.espXNLLT.espImmersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.espRelationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp RDO - EFF v4.0.2 Patch.esp Edited December 25, 2020 by Atmogenic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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