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Late Mage - Any tips ?


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Hi !


Here´s my SITUATION !! :psyduck:


I´m a Kajiit , Sneak / Bow with 2H for finalizations ! Level 42 !


I only put 3 points into Magicka, so i have a base Magicka of 130 !


I´ve a pretty good glass armor at around 520 (i think), and i 1 hit-kill Trolls , Cave bears (with grandsword or sneak bow), dragons are easy now.


Half-way thru mages guild , thieves guild, companions, but havent yet visited the greybeards or started dawnguard.


I´d like to move into magic to have a different game experience on what´s left of my game.


My 2nd playthru and never used magic, but reading some advices here made me want to try and see how much fun it is...


All my magic skills are pretty low.


From what i´ve seen i can pretty much discard restoration. I dont think Alteration has some magic either. So i plan on focusing on Conjuration/Destruction.


So, for all the arch-mages around, would you advise me into that, or is it too late into the game ? What schools ? Enchants ?


Any tips are welcome !!! :ohdear: :thumbsup:


Thx !


EDIT - I have no problems with a little advskill or any other cheat. Im 90 hours into this game play, won´t have the time to start another char. I just want to enjoy the game some more...

Edited by canimodo
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I think you've got the right idea, canimodo, but I'll admit that my viewpoint is a little biased. You're where I am in about half of my play-throughs -- sneak-archer, although I generally stick to leather armor throughout the game. There's not that much difference between armor ratings, and I've found myself to be quite survivable without getting into the visually non-esthetic (read that "gawdy") armors that fantasy games like Skyrim like to pretend are functional.


Whenever I play a mage-type character I'll go for what's most effective at removing opposition and a Conjuration-Destruction one-two punch may be the best route to that. Don't short shrift the Restoration school. You'll want Fast Healing and you'll want to cut the magicka cost of that spell in half. You really don't need to go higher in the perk tree than that.


At your level of play you're going to want to advance in the "trunk" of the Conjuration tree as quickly as you can. By "trunk" I mean that part of the tree involved with cutting magicka cost for spells of various levels. "Familiar" is going to be next to useless to you. I imagine a lot of your opponents are just going to shrug of Flame Atronachs, as well, so you need to get up to Adept level in a hurry.


Similarly with Destruction. The novice and apprentice spells are practically useless unless you have lots and lots of magicka and can keep out of danger while you're using them once you get above level 35 or so. You need the ranged attack spells. You need the cloak spells, too. Don't forget to work toward Dual-Casting and Impact. Being able to stun-lock an opponent is a valuable addition to your repertoire.

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I don't play Mages....but there are some similarities between your Dovahkin and mine, in regards to them both having 'Stealth' and 'Archery'....and so going by the gaming styles related to those perks, if I was to add magic, I would probably first look into 'Illusion'....Reason being, heighten your characters stealth tool bag by working towards acquiring 'muffling' and 'invisibility' spells (I think you need some decent 'magicka' to cast 'Invisibility' though...but don't quote me on that)...and once the 'Illusion' is ranked up to 'Adept' then start playing with Conjuration/Destruction....that way you can continue to stay out of sight and not have to face an angry swarm as you practice your new Arts whilst they are still at their lower levels.


I would also look into 'Enchanting' and 'Alchemy' though neither use any 'magicka' (I do use Alchemy myself).....Enchanting: Furthering your stealth and upping the damage out put from your Bow....Alchemy: Poisons.... :devil:


Hopefully I have managed to be of some help....Have fun canimodo.... :happy:

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Unfortunately, your enemies are maxing out at your current level and a switch to full-on Mage now will be an uphill battle until you get your magic perks up. So, I would phase-in some magic by concentrating on single schools and getting them up quickly. Pick the school that appeals to you as a magic user and use it a LOT. At least buy five trainings every level. You will have to change your instinctive reactions to a battle. Don't rush in; most magic is better used from a distance. Conjure some help or use a ranged attack until they close on you. You need magicka, magicka regeneration, and Fortify "Whatever School" enchantments to keep up an arcane attack. You will also need some Fortify "Whatever School" potions; destruction magic damage, especially, caps too low and begins to lose effectiveness at your current level. ONLY potions can raise destruction magic damage after you max the perks. I think Conjuration is the most powerful school for a fighter type; you can create a small army by giving your thralls staffs of conjuration. But any extra help at all is a plus with bad guys at max levels. Spells like Magelight, Transmute, Clairvoyance, and Healing Hands will level other magic schools and can be used at almost any time. Every magic school has some good perks; concentrate on a primary school, but use other spells when you get a chance. Do the Bard's College quests, you can get a lot of magic training rewards from the instructors there. I don't think you can enchant equivalent robes to those that you can loot or buy, at least, I can't get that much magicka regen without exploiting enchanting. With high regen rates, Dual Casting inefficiency isn't a problem.


I've been running around with a Forsworn thrall (who has a Frost Atronach staff), Lydia, a random dog I found, and I summon a Dremora Lord or atronach when needed. It makes the civil war battles a lot of fun. :thumbsup:

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I'd recommend maxing out your Enchanting first and Conjuration second. I've found using custom bows enchanted with the Extra Effect perk to be a pretty great substitution for Destruction magic. Having dual effects on pretty much all your gear (done with grand souls and fortify enchanting potions) is wonderful once you're able to do it. Some gear enchanted to give you more magicka would also help you out quite a bit until your able to raise it up, and then Magicka Regen may or may not be more useful depending on your play style. The Soul Stealer perk from the Conjuration perk tree is also incredibly beneficial to an Enchanter, making collecting souls much easier.


Conjuration's usefulness for an archer character is fantastic once you can start using the Bound Bow spell (letting you kill things at a distance without wasting precious arrows, or having to go collect them if you don't want to do so), but the casting time can limit it's use a little bit if you're also summoning Atronachs for battle (or doing the whole Necromancy thing) until you gain access to the Master level spells and just have them summoned constantly when you think you might need them.


If you still have the perk points then Alchemy, while potentially time consuming to pursue (it's best to start at at the very beginning of the game), is a pretty good substitution for Restoration and can also let you make Invisibility potions (reducing the value of Illusion quite a bit). I've found when pursuing Alchemy that investing perk points in the poison aspects of it is often not worth it do to how seldom I've found need to use poisons, but it does let you get the Green Thumb perk which can be incredibly useful.


It's always useful to plan out your perks before you start spending the points.

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Well thanks a lot for all the answers !!


I think my main problem will be having a high magicka, i have a few perks acumulated now !


Gonna start training in conjuring-destruction cause most my perks are going into them !


And if necessary put up some cheat - in case my char becomes a ' frankestein of magic '


As i said, just want to check some other way to play the game !!!


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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