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Magic require regents


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Ok, this past week I was in charge of clearing out my basement, and among the old baby clothes and and old batman action figures...I came upon an old box full of books. What I found next brought back nostalgia and wonder (as in wondering how the hell it ended up in the basement.) I had found my old R.A. Salvator books and my oooooold D&D manuals. After re reading my fantasy books and looking through these ancient tomes of yore, I noticed that there was a common underlying that most magic required not only mental integrity (mana) but also some sort of reagent or catalyst.


Now you all are probably wondering what I am getting at, to put it plainly, would anyone be able to add or more precisely would anyone be interested in a reagent system added to skyrim's magic system (example: to cast the flames spell you need some eye of newt or some other item of course lore friendly or new). I know that this would make casting magic somewhat of a pain at the beginning of the game, since you start out with no equipment essentially. (maybe add some reagents to the starting chest, or in the starting gear of the winterhold beginning of alternate beginnings.)


After reading these books i thought that these mage heroes were more in line to what a mage should be, and that it would add more tactical awareness and a little depth to the class. (i also noticed that Skyre, i think, adds a system somewhat in line to my ideals with their necromancer summoning system.) I will be trying to add something like this, but if anyone more skilled likes this idea...get to it!


Also if something like the is already available I would appreciate being pointed in the right way, search gave me no results -_-.

Edited by Otakufiend
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