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Assassin's Tricks


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Here's my take on a mod that gives you some weapons and other thing useful as an assassin.


A craftable blowdart tube with darts that can be imbued with poisons you have made as long as you have Arcane Smithing. As well as the vanilla poisons, here is what I would like to see

1. Paralysis - Paralyzes target for 15 sec, if target sees you sneaking past, he'll raise the alert when he wakes

2. Tranquilizer - Sends target to sleep which lifts in an hour or so or can be lifted by his/her companions/guards

3. Illness - Target becomes violently ill, causing vomiting for a short while

4. Befuddlement - Target becomes confused and may attack allies, causing a distraction, also, may lead to attacking own self with theatrics and death throws.

5. Need - Target seeks to fulfill a need - food, drink, so on- causing him to simply seek the nearest building and enter it.

6. Lethal Injection - Drains target of health until death, special effects, death animations, and so on.

7. Torture - Target screams and writhes on ground as if white hot daggers lance into self. Damage to stamina and health, not lethal


These poisons should also be able to be fitted into a caltrops like device that you can place on a path and if not seen doing, target might step on it and befall the same affect.


And, the Piesta Resistance, You should be able to poison any well, and 24 hours later, the corresponding area is turned into undead that will follow you. However, if you're caught doing this, the town will attack you, citizens and all and be under the rally buff. Instead of dying if you don't survive, a cutscene where you are burned alive, lol.


If you like this idea, i'd be interested in what you would add to it.

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