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strange problem with fo3edit and NMM


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any thoughts would be appreciated. i have just recently got into moddin my fallout 3 game and was quite happy with the modded setup so decided to create a merged patch. after i noticed my main character's head was green so i turned off the merged patch. then all my plug-ins on NMM where unticked. so i went through them and got them back to order.


I had NMM and FO3edit open at same time. i think this maybe was a mistake


here is the problem. NMC's terxture pack is not workin. as far as i can see the entire game has gone back to vanilla textures.

I have ran FO3edit again and noticed it is sayin this


" [00:31] Background Loader: [ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - Textures.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - Meshes.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - Voices.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - Sound.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - Misc.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [Anchorage - Main.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [Anchorage - Sounds.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [ThePitt - Main.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [ThePitt - Sounds.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [brokenSteel - Main.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [brokenSteel - Sounds.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [PointLookout - Main.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [PointLookout - Sounds.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [Zeta - Main.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [Zeta - Sounds.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [JHBCloverPlus - Assets.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [JHBCloverPlus - Textures.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [Owned! - Data.bsa] Skipped.

[00:31] Background Loader: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\] Setting Resource Path.

[00:31] Background Loader: finished"


i think this is significant?


any help would be hugely appreciated

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that has helped thanks. pretty obvious when textures are involved. some mods area little whacked still but i will sort them out over time. will have to make sure i know what i am doin before messin with a merged patch again. cheers!
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It wasn't merge patch, they are unrelated. Something changed your .ini be it the configurator or a regen of the .ini, and also as a invalidation issue. Merge patch only loads up the whole list an creates a new file based on conditions of the major lists in the game across the load order. It's more for modders to use because they were using FO3 edit anyway. So er if you don't want to learn FO3 edit in order to do things professional developers are not technically allowed to do, then don't use FO3 edit. Same is true for Vegas.


Instead use Wyre Bash, Wyre Flash. I forget the exact name. It's more automated an does the same thing as merge patch. Further it will automaticly merge not just the lists, but other things like the entire mod if for example it's a small an simple mod. Thus allowing more mods to be loaded. It's really easy. But remember we are better than you, because we use FO3 edit, ha ha ha everybody is laughing at you! No not really, FO3 edit sux it takes up all your time an you nevar get to play because you're making stuff for a bunch of ungrateful little brats.



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It wasn't merge patch, they are unrelated. Something changed your .ini be it the configurator or a regen of the .ini, and also as a invalidation issue. Merge patch only loads up the whole list an creates a new file based on conditions of the major lists in the game across the load order. It's more for modders to use because they were using FO3 edit anyway. So er if you don't want to learn FO3 edit in order to do things professional developers are not technically allowed to do, then don't use FO3 edit. Same is true for Vegas.


Instead use Wyre Bash, Wyre Flash. I forget the exact name. It's more automated an does the same thing as merge patch. Further it will automaticly merge not just the lists, but other things like the entire mod if for example it's a small an simple mod. Thus allowing more mods to be loaded. It's really easy. But remember we are better than you, because we use FO3 edit, ha ha ha everybody is laughing at you! No not really, FO3 edit sux it takes up all your time an you nevar get to play because you're making stuff for a bunch of ungrateful little brats.




headache now. just when i'm thinkin i am learnin my way around things it seems i am not. but then that is how we learn.


i had made the merge patch after addin a couple of alternative radio mods. the sound on the radio was all odd...like a scratched cd - i took them out with NMM. then realised it was all messed up. GNR only played whatisname 2 dog and no music. it was late at night when i started messin with the merge patches and unistallin mods. why i do these thing when it was all so luvly i don't know but i guess that is the appeal with mods...always want one more.


so possibly then the hassle has came from the added stations - i didn't think there could be much harm in them. i suppose once a cocktail of mods is added who knows what is happenin. will read up on wyrebash then...cheers for input.

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