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Can anyone make similar mods like this guy?


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Basically I found this amazing south korean modder on this site. He make the most awesome combat and magic mods check his stuff out. He has loads of mods in korean and has not uploaded as he can not translate it to English.


His Skyrim nexus account


His Youtube channel account


Check out his amazing mods on youtube.


JUST CHECK OUT THE MODS! He is way too unappreciated.


found him by his amazing Sword attack spell mod shown by Brodual on




Anyway if anyone can make awesome mods like this. Then please do :D! Need more of these kind of mods especially the ones he has on his youtube channel.


He can....make a Bleach(Anime) movie out of skyrim :c

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Why don't you just type in a request into google translate to korean and ask the guy who actually made the mods to make a translation. If he says he can't, then ask him if you could have permission to translate the mods you like or if you could find a bilingual english - korean speaker here on the nexus and ask him/her to translate the mod with permission.
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