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Bounty and prison system


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Alrighty, I have a bounty and prison system set up, that much works. However, due to the nature of my mod it wouldn't make sense for the player to acquire a bounty in Misitair City and be wanted by guards from the other cities (IE: Skingrad, IC, Anvil) so, my first question is, how do I set up a regional bounty system that will ONLY be in effect in the city?


My second question is this: Since the city IS underground, and the way prison systems work, I had to make a shack of sorts on the surface in Tamriel, then link it to the underground system. Now, is there potentially a way I can link the entrance (the prison cell itself) and the exit (where the player is released) to BOTH be interior locations? Would I instead have to use some sort of script with X markers instead of the Prison Marker? If so, I assume that would also mean completely rewriting the current guard dialogue (my guards use the default dialogue, it's the only 'vanilla' dialogue in the mod)

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Is there only one enterance into your area, or are there several? What you can do is script something so that when the player passes through this point(s) their current bounty gets stored as a variable, and then a different variable is read to get their regional bounty. Essentially


if entering == 1
set bounty1 to player.getcrimegold
player.setcrimegold to bounty2
set entering to 0
elseif entering == 0
set bounty2 to player.getcrimegold
player.setcrimegold to bounty1
set entering to 1


This sort of thing works best on things like load doors since once you activate the door you cannot change your mind and head back without re-activating the scripting.

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