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Spell Research and UI Extention FIX ?

Guest deleted6419983

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Guest deleted6419983

Hi there i did want to ask if someone could find a fix for UI Extention and Spell Reaserch mod

The Think is that when you use Analyze Spell In Spell Reaserch than the pop up window keep showing up again and again until you Load a game or Turn it up Completly

Could someone find a fix for that ?

Im Using UI Extention only for Easy Wheel menu mod which i think i can get without even though i will miss it a lot

but i still want to ask if someone know what is wrong with These two mods why thay dont work together ?

I did load Them Up in SSEEdit and i did not find any Conflicts there so i dont know why this Massege WIndow Keep Popping UP Anyone No what the Problem Here ?

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