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WIP: Ethereal Elven Overhaul


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@ everyone concerned about too pristine ladies - yes, this is fully dependent on your installed skin texture. :) Here's what they look like with XCE:




I previously had Dimon's UNP face in for testing, but I think I'll have this and vanilla as recommended textures. Vanilla hairstyles also make them look much rougher, and there are less pretty noses available. Additionally the wrinkly vanilla skins will be available in the complexion slider.

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Looks good! These guys did look a bit too strange for me to ever get far on playing a serious character with them. (though I had some laughs making extremely ugly elves, took very little effort there)


Anyhow, if you need anyone for testing let me know.

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When I get around to sculpting the texture. It takes around 2 hours of uninterrupted work which is a rare commodity for me, but I'm definitely making it. Patience! This stuff takes time and I'm a busy lady.
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waaaa - but it is loooong. you are not that busy, nobody is that busy ! patience is definately not one of my virtues, well, or maybe I'm just acting impatient, I dont know ! but I need new faces. by the way, what kind of mods you use for their faces to look shiny and for hair etc etc ? I'm interested in that
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I understand that you really want this mod, but I also need you to understand - this isn't my job. I'm not getting paid a dime to make these race alterations. I have a 9-5 job, a relationship, a rent and bills to pay and real life responsibilities that take precendence over hurrying the release of a mod that takes LOTS of work (like seriously, I'm spending most of my spare time on this) to make in order to deliver something that lives up to a good quality standard.


In other words, I'm a real human being and I do this for fun, not for work, and these things take time to make. You do not know me or my life, and statements like "you are not that busy" are horrendously rude, dismissive and inconsiderate. Do you have ANY grasp of the amount of expertise and effort that goes into making something like this? I could choose not to do any of this, to spend my free time playing games and catching up with housework that I've skipped, but instead I choose to pursue my creative desires on top of my day job making games - to give you something for FREE.


If you can't appreciate that, well - tough luck, it certainly won't make me rush anything, it only makes me feel my time and effort is UNAPPRECIATED and undervalued and certainly does not make me want to hurry things up.

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I know - just that I see an increasing trend of the userbase demanding everything here and now, without acknowleging I'm a person with a real life just like them, and that I'll make this and that if I deem it necessary once I get around to it.


I love making this stuff but demanding it rushed does not produce faster or better results, only a stressed and upset modder who does not feel her efforts are really valued.

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