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WIP: Ethereal Elven Overhaul


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Great mods were not made over night, and this is certainly making out to be a great mod indeed. I want to thank you ahead of time for work that you're accomplishing. The Skyrim community needs an overhaul mod like this one, and I believe without a doubt that this will be one of the top mods of the month when its is released. Take your time, you already have my endorsement and vote. :thumbsup:
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Loving that latest picture! :thumbsup:


I hope you'll consider an optional file/files for those who only want a certain elf race changed, either way it's going to be awesome!


This will undoubtedly blow the front page away!

Edited by Sky999
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Making standalone replacers poses a major problem with the beard models, I've found.


The way racial beard morphs are handled, they're all pulled from one morph file for each beard model - which contain race specific variations for each race. This makes a total of 60+ beard morph files which need to be manually edited to fit the newly shaped male elf heads.

It's not possible to split them in any sensible way, and it's not feasible to have separate versions for individual races. Keep in mind there are over 60 of these spanning all beard models and ALL need to be edited to fit the new facial shapes of the Ethereal elven males.


In order to functionally split the replacer into individual pieces while retaining the vital face morphs, I would need to make copies of each beard, position them in a separate folder from vanilla beards, assign them to elven races alone and after splitting the race mod into 3 different entries for each elven type I would need to reassign the file paths of each beard type and alter the existing ones to not apply to elves.


We are talking about separately assigning over 60 beard model entries in the CK for 3 standalone races and one all-encompassing mod. Over 200 manually applied entries in addition to separately modeling every morph.


This is unfeasible for my scope and capabilities and would extend my working time with the mod by a huge stretch. With my schedule this is several weeks of nothing but working with beards. That goes way too far into the territory of me not having fun anymore.


That means standalone replacers won't be happening for now, possibly not ever. It's unfortunate but I would never ever get this mod out of the door if I would do the huge amounts of necessary work to get the standalone replacers running as they should. :/ It's going to be all or nothing. Still, I'm leaving the NPC appearances mostly untouched aside from the new race morphs, and leaving the option of having the vanilla normal maps under the complexion slider.

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Looks awesome - my fav part is the change of the males. They look stunning! Btw if you need help testing, I'm offering my little game and PC and will try to give some useful feedbacks too :)


I look forward seeing your mod!



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I've always found the vanilla elves to be a bit too strange looking, especially the females. Your replacements not only look a whole lot better, but they also don't seem to change too many of the core asthetics that define the main three mer races of Tamriel. I'm keeping a close eye on this mod, so do expect a download from me once released. ;)


A quick question, though. This may have been already brought up and I understand that this may not be top priority or even likely to happen at all, but will you eventually get round to including Dawnguard's Snow Elves in an add-on mod?

Edited by AndrewOverload519
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I've been looking through these pictures and I have to say, this is exactly what I've been wanting my Skyrim elves to look like, ever since I installed the game. The vanilla elves certainly look different, but they're unsettling... these elves look different while still being attractive - which fits the description of elves as being "fair folk". Judging from your work so far on the Dagi-raht, this will be a spectacular, must-have mod when you're done, and I'll be keeping an eye on it in future! I'd also like to volunteer for beta testing, once that's required.


I don't mind if it takes a while to release; like you said, you're a human being with a life and all that entails. This is just pixels and polygons, and real life must always take precedent over that. It's a shame not everyone seems to understand that.


Here, have a cute picture to help with impatient idiots. :)


Also seconding Andrew's curiosity - Gelebor's already a very pretty man by my standards, but he and his brother would be amazing with this mod if you decide to go that route.

Edited by Summergale
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