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Royal Vampire Armor Re-Color


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I would really appreciate it if someone who knows what they are doing (because I sure don't) would do a recolor of the Royal Vampire Armor (the one that Serana wears), along with her hood, the vampire boots and gauntlets. I'm looking for all of the red parts to be recolored to a cream, and all of the black leathery parts to be recolored to a leather brown. So it still looks classy, but just not that gothic black and red that apparently vampires everywhere are stuck with.


I've tried doing it myself, but I am driving myself crazy with it. Someone with some skills, please help!




Edit: I suppose I should mention that I want this set for my female vampire character, not for Serana. But I want her hood so I can have my own matching hood.

Edited by NamedForTheMoon
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