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How do I fix "Hitting the Books" bug??


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I need to know how to fix this bug so i can continue the College of Winterhold quest line. Every time I finish "Under Sarthaal" I go back to the Arch Mage and I don't get the "Hitting the Books" quest automatically like I should. Any leads will help, thanks!
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If your using any mods and your on willing to part with any of them the only other options are console command completion codes, you'll find them at the uespwiki in the meddle of the page under Quest Stages, you most know how to use these types of codes and have a understanding that it bypasses and completes the quest for you, you wont experience it!..


I've only used a bat batch quest stage uploaded mod from here for the thieves guild small jobs that take forever, someone else made it so please don't ask me how to enter quest stage codes into console command, I used a text document bat mod made by someone else uploaded in the download section of nexus!..

Edited by sinnerman69
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If your using any mods and your on willing to part with any of them the only other options are console command completion codes, you'll find them at the uespwiki in the meddle of the page under Quest Stages, you most know how to use these types of codes and have a understanding that it bypasses and completes the quest for you, you wont experience it!..


I've only used a bat batch quest stage uploaded mod from here for the thieves guild small jobs that take forever, someone else made it so please don't ask me how to enter quest stage codes into console command, I used a text document bat mod made by someone else uploaded in the download section of nexus!..


Could I deactivate the mods, complete the quest then reactivate? Or is it going to bug all the quests? Do you know any specific mods that are messing with it?

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I only had trouble with Arngeir' not giving me dragon word wall locations, I think it was a perk mod that missed up his quests, but it might of been a esp in mod in my mesh folder too


As for your bug, no clue, I mostly use cheat mods and a mod that moves the dark brotherhood forever to the misc menu


here's all the mods I currently have installed





Conjuration & Summoning fixes.esp

dbmisc.esp <---------------------------------------------- moves dark brotherhood forever quest to misc menu

Lost Art of the Blacksmith.esp

The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp

LFox Pickpocketing Chance Caps at 100.esp



Dawnguard Breezehome Fix.esp

Edited by sinnerman69
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I only had trouble with Arngeir' not giving me dragon word wall locations, I think it was a perk mod that missed up his quests, but it might of been a esp in mod in my mesh folder too


As for your bug, no clue, I mostly use cheat mods and a mod that moves the dark brotherhood forever to the misc menu


here's all the mods I currently have installed





Conjuration & Summoning fixes.esp

dbmisc.esp <---------------------------------------------- moves dark brotherhood forever quest to misc menu

Lost Art of the Blacksmith.esp

The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp

LFox Pickpocketing Chance Caps at 100.esp



Dawnguard Breezehome Fix.esp

That is interesting, cool mods though. I have a bunch of armor mods currently, and the two WoW dungeons that were made. Could the armor mods be the issue?

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