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ArchiveInvalidation Broken again


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Hello to all, thank you for viewing and bigger thanks to anyone with advice.


Now to start let me say i am no noob at modding Bethesda games. I have never had any problems until now that i want to play New Vegas. Seemingly, Archive Invalidation causes CTD's whenever i activate it, in the many fashions it come in meaning i have tried FOMM, ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated and the other one with the AII-FNV.bsa. Now i am using all the good mods, NMCs, WMX, FOOK, EVE, NVEC, Lings, PN, ILO, NSkies, IMCN, UHP, oHUD, AWOP etc etc etc with All DLCs and i own the Ultimate edition CD (hence all DLCs) and i know for a fact through FNVedit that my load order is peachy and i have patched myself through hours and hours of hard patching, so it aint any of that, however when i deactivate AI i am CTD free but stuff playing like that ay. When AI is active i usually CTD within 5 mins, on a new game i can't get out of Doc Mitchells.


Now this never used to be like this and i'm not sure if there has been an update recently but it is definitely AI, i wouldn't be asking for help if i knew the cause but i know it's that. I've redone all my INI's over and over, tried combinations of known methods, been through google no tomorrow and now i'm stuck, so basically i'm here asking for anyone's advice on this b*****d of an issue.


Big thanks in advance, please no noob questions or answers, i know what i'm doing ;) up until this crud of course x)


EDIT: I probably sound really silly, but i'm lost at this cos it definitely is AI, works without, stuffed with it. I just re-read my post and thought i sounded like an idiot, that be all.

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did u try a fresh clean install?


is possible u doing it wrong in patching the game...


how did u install the mods? and how did u try patching this?


do u use compatible patches around the installed mods?


pls post the loadorder to get more evidence about ur problem

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Yes it's a clean install, and it's Ultimate edition so it's all done through Steam. My load order is perfect and is patched well but here it is anyway:














Ambient Temperature.esm

Advanced Recon Tech.esm


More Perks.esm




Detect Traps.esm

FOOK - New Vegas.esm

FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm


Inventory Access.esm

DFB - Random Encounters.esm


NVEC Complete.esm

NSkies URWLified.esm



Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm

Project Nevada - Core.esm

Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

Selective Fire.esm

Stalker Weapons Pack.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm



The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

NVEC Enhancements.esp

NVEC Complete FOOK Patch.esp





HUD Extended.esp

HUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.esp




UHNV-Dead Money.esp

UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp


UHNV-Lonesome Road.esp


FOOK - New Vegas.esp

FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp

XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two per level.esp

Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp

Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp

Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp

Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp

Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp

Selective Fire - Project Nevada.esp

Project Nevada - Extra Options.esp

NVEC PN Cyberware Patch.esp

NVEC PN Equipment Patch.esp


Detect Traps - Traponator 4000.esp

Detect Traps - DLC.esp

Advanced Recon Gear.esp

Advanced Recon Tech.esp



SWP40 Patch 01.esp


Advanced Recon Armor.esp

Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp

Advanced Recon Riot Gear Helmet.esp

Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp


Boondock Saint DEK.esp



Powered Power Armor.esp


Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp


AWOP-FOOK Weapon Patch [5.0] .esp

AWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.esp

Imp's More Complex Needs.esp

Ambient Temperature - IMCNNV.esp

IMCNNV - HUD and Hotkeys.esp

Jump Fall Fixer.esp

More Realistic Aiming.esp

Quick Trade.esp

Reactive People - Ultimatum.esp




Project Nevada - WMX.esp












EVE FNV-[GRA Patch for EVE 1.3].esp

Project Nevada - EVE.esp

LUMENARIUM - Working Sunglasses ONLY.esp

NSkies URWLifiedOWB.esp

NSkies URWLifiedHH.esp

LUMENARIUM - Bright Clear Days.esp

Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp

ILO - A World of Pain.esp

ILO - NVInteriors Project - AWOP.esp

ILO - NSkies URWLified Patch.esp

ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp

DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp

Directors Chair.esp


Bashed Patch, 0.esp



Total active plugins: 129

Total plugins: 141



Now after playing with many methods of AI i have found one thats working well but still the odd problem of certain textures not updating in game properly, then an occasional CTD. What's weird is that i have an uber rig, i only run 1 7970 (no Xfire) when playing, i use the d3d9.dll fix, and i still get shocking performance with or without AI, and yes it does run without AI funnily enough but as i say that's pointless. I know it's only AI because different configuations work better than others, for instance FOMMs don't work where as my manual installing works a lot better. I have renamed the AI.bsa to Fallout - ArchiveInvalidation.bsa and loaded everything on the list behind it and that works much better than FOMMs method or the one you download (not the broken one on the Nexus either, the good one). It's awful strange to me i'm going back through FNVEdit to see if there is any texture conflicts, although i didn't spot any b4.

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so i just found one issue, load this file "WMX-FOOKNV CP.esp" after wmx, i thought this is an compatibly patch and this should be ever load after wmx and fook and cp or merged this file into your patch.


about archivinvalidation..its strange what u got... i only use the switch from fomm and the following edit.


do u have added the bsa in the ini? like this

SArchiveList=Fallout - AI!.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa


chapter "Archive" in falloutprefs.ini - fallout.ini and falloutdefault.ini?


don´t forget to rename the bsa back.


so ur rig is ok so far ;)

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If you look again, FOOK WMX patch is straight after wmx. Yes my INI is exactly like that in all 3, i just delete fallout.ini as it resets from fallout_default.ini. And thanks, the rigs nice :).


It's more than strange really, i've never had any issue like it before, i did see Steam made an update about a week ago although i didn't hear of a new patch or anything....

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oh yes u right with wmx, sry that it was late last night.


update? ultimate? i think that is already up to date? what is ur fileversion ? should be


is possible to that this "steam update" screwed up the installation, don´´t know what this "update" changes but u can try a fresh install and disable updates from steam for new vegas.


i have disable steam here (use it only to activate/update my games)

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Yeah i'm not sure about it either, i thought ultimate edition was final, perhaps steam made an error as you say. Might disable steam myself, it's been getting on my nerves.


Anyhow i starting using the FNV4GB - NVSE loader and it appears the problem went away, i actually got to play for a good few hours with no crash however i do get a crash in goodsprings still, only when i come back their via walking, fast travel is ok though so i have got a conflict somewhere.


Thanks for your help mate, i shall post again if i can replicate the problem.

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