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Idea for Roleplaying mod as a woodcutter

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Guest deleted6419983

So i stated belove this tread i meybe one of few people who actually anjoy the woodcutter job to make eazy money well eazy :D

I have an idea for a woodcutter roleplaying overhaul mod if someone like it feel free to build on this idea

So the idea

Every region would have its own wood for example pale wood have wood that fire longer or is harder to chop and things like that depends on a tree in a region

Make a diffreant textures for the wood you chop in individual Chops in whole region something like this wood is better so they will give you more money for it but it is harder to chop

make it compatibille with frostfall depends on the type of wood and make it compatibille with harwesting chop feature which would recognize in which region you are and on that you would be given the wood that is in that region. Make it that certain wood have diffreant chance to make fire under diffreant consiquence like for example raining and such

I think it would be a nice option for mod as alternate start combined with Honed Metal for example

So that you start with nothing you go to the first village and when you have nothing you grab the axe and start making money and afther you get enough you will make order with blacksmith to craft armor for you

and add some book that wiill prehabs explain in which region you get best paid for wood so you could play as woodcutter that go for better play job and when you get the armor you are finally ready to go for that job and adventuring with your axe

Prehabs also make diffreant type of axes which some will grant you chance to chop more wood in woodchop

Also make it somehow if possible so that mills would also give you money just for pulling trigger i know but you have to place the whole wood in to the mill anyway by your hand and i dont get why you get payed only for chopping little wood.

Prehabs try to ask mod autor of Lumberjack if he would be willing to incorporate his mod into this overhaul.


That is just and idea if someone like it feel free to build your mod upon it

I think there is no such a woodcutter overhaul For Skyrim and personaly think it would be nice option to get money and actually roleplay as a woodcutter who goes for work in diffreant region for better money and find some adventures along the way :smile:


Sorry for my english i did right this fast :D

Edited by MilanKokyCZ
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