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Endless Falling Loop - HELP


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I stood at the borders of the top of "College of Winterhold", saved the game enyoing the view but shortly after, i fell of the wall... falling too deep to survive - and now, as if it isn't enough - i got an endless loop of falling and dying. Everytime starting from the moment of falling, there seems no way to get over the balkony and fall into the water, even if I pause for favourite skills and try to jump further with the whirlwind sprint or the time freeze shout. No way. :(


I don't know what to do and of course, I dont want to delete my game. Problem is, there is only one saved data, because I'm playing a second to my boyfrineds game.


Are there any cheats or admin actions to help me survive? Probelm: I'm playing on XBOX 360.



If you got a hint or propably a solution - let me know.

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