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Need serious help on modding!!!


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Ok, here is what happened:


downloaded Murfy27's TARDIS mobile home mod


Now, listen closely...


I put it all in the correct folder (C:/Program Files/Bethesda softworks/Oblivion/Data)



anyway, so iv'e unpacked it into the correct place, gone to data files in the launcher, then if enabled the master oblivion and the TARDISmstr file and the TARDISoutside file. (those are the mod files, i dont need to activate TARDISinside file, but i have even tryed that.


So, when i go into the game, i go to the place i need to go to find the Tardis, (tiber septim hotel)

and its not there!!


So, what else iv'e tried, Mod manager, archive invalidation, installing again, installing again in another location, patches, cracks, editing system registry, run as admin, run as this user but do not protect computer, normal run, tried OBSE, tried FCOM helper, tried disabling security feature, tried disabling UAC, tried using the console to spawn a door to get into the TARDIS, tried using console to turn someone else into TARDIS, tried spawning TARDIS with console, even tried placing TARDIS somewhere with the construction set.


None of it works....


Sigh... help me....


(Other mods wont work either)----------------


I am using the Oldblivion mod with windows XP, but XP has a mod that makes it look like vista, this does edit the system files, so yes, i have tried installing oblivion with the guide to installing oblivion on vista!!!!


Any ideas?

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according to the latest version of oldblivion, which i have, you can load mods by doing the normal thing but instead of launching oblivion, launch oldblivion.


By the way, i have just tried unpacking and packing the meshes and crap... wont work..


I also tried cutting the oblivion.exe to desktop then renaming oldblivion.exe to oblivion.exe

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