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Help! I'm half vampire lady, half human!


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Okay, maybe the title was a bit dramatic, but my problem is serious nontheless:


I think I am stuck in transformation: I wanted to shift back but it didn't work.


I still look like a vampire and I still have the Vampire Lord Perk Tree, but I think the game partially thinks I'm human: I can do all the human stuff again (open boxes, access inventory, first person view, etc), my melee attacks (claws) have an enchantment (from my human weapon I think) and if I use them a bunch of times it says I'm out of charges (*lol*). When I want to access my favourites to change back nothing happens (the windows simply doesn't open). When I go into the flying mode (I can still switch modes) I have no spells equipped.


I can't open my Dawnguard files (for whatever reason) with the Development Kit, if I could I would check the Vampire Quest for a console command that transforms me into a vampire lord (so I am full vamp again) ... or transforms me back for that matter.


Could someone do this for me? I am completely stuck, the only way I have right now is uninstalling Dawnguard, but that would cost me all my Dawnguard process and I'm actually quite happy with how things turned out, I would hate to lose it all :/


Or maybe another solution?


Thanks in Advance!

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