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FO4 Creation Kit Help, can't place mod items into world


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Im trying to make my first mod. It's really small, just haven't found the mod I want or gotten anyone to make it for me, so I'm trying to teach myself.

All Im trying to do is place a few items from a couple other mods in a specific place in the world. Im using the fo4 creation kit, and I've learned how to place items in the world, or put them in a container, but it only seems to work with vanilla items. Every time I put an item from a mod into the container, or into the world, using the creation kit it won't actually show up in the game. Only the vanilla items will.

For example: what I'm trying to do is put a Minuteman Uniform from Corvalho1's "Militarized minutement", an RU556 rifle from FX0x01's mod, 300 rounds of 556 ammo, and a combat helmet, into a container in as early a place into the game as I can. I've tried putting them into a locker in the armory cage in the vault overseer's office of Vault 111, and tried putting them into a duffelbag in the bunker in Sanctuary. But only the Vanilla items will appear (the locker, duffel bag, 556 rounds, and combat helmet).

Can anyone direct me to some help? Or explain what I'm doing wrong?

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I'm 99% sure what's going on here is a particular quirk of the Creation Kit. See, in order for items from different mods to appear using a custom plugin, the mod(s) in question have to be masters of your plugin, otherwise the items won't show up in-game where you put them. The problem is, if the mod you're using is an ESP and not an ESM, the Creation Kit won't assign the mod as a master to your plugin. So you can spend a whole bunch of an hour building some giant statue of Gary Coleman out of RU556's in the Creation Kit, but when you save and go into the game your wonderful creation won't be there because the RU556 mod wasn't an ESM so the Creation Kit didn't even bother setting it as a master to your custom plugin. You have to either assign the relevant ESP(s) to your mod through xEdit or Wrye Bash, or use xEdit to flag the mods you want to use as ESMs (without changing the extension) so the Creation Kit will actually retain them as masters to your custom plugin.

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