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more sickness/disease and various animations/effects for it


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there are a few infection/disease/sickness in the vanilla game but i think more could be better and the original ones should be more detailed.


for example, you could get a very nasty disease and you have to vomit randomly and often (this can make you very weak (brutally low stamina) and since you are vomiting, you simply can't really attack, block, or even move in that time, renders you totally harmless.

even worse: high fever with wild hallucinations. for example you think that a monster attacks, you kill it, but in truth, after the hallucinations, it becames clear that you've killed an innocent person.


even wilder: some kind of disease that affects the mind: you think that you are walking in the streets browsing and buying the merchants' goods (it looks like you are truly doing it, so nothing makes you to think that this is not the real world) then voila! you are far from the city you were before the hallucinations (this can be random place but within reason - a distance for example that can be made by a diseased person), and nothing you have done in the last 10-15 mins (let's be not so cruel) was an illusion, and in the way you throw out some (non-quest related) stuff from your inventory... you can find it on the floor/ground here and there.


there should be mind problems (related to head injuries, drops and falls too). for example you have to re-learn skills, spells, and you can randomly lose control of coordination.


depression, suicidal behavior and other mental diseases that takes control of your character. he or she doesn't block, not even fight, wants to jump down from cliffs, drown in water, etc..


and all of this with a lot of vomit, blood, purulent discharge (animations). it can makes your clothes dirty, even your skin so merchants, npcs are not talking to you, dialogue options are chopped, and some doors become unlocked, some goods' prices become intolerably high.


is it a wild idea?

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