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Question about "stacking" esp's


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I have an esp where I've modified the stats for a bunch of weapons and objects. I'd like to make myself another esp that makes one of the weapons (a unique one) use a modified mesh that will point to some custom textures (the unique weapon in question still uses vanilla mesh/texture). That way it, although it'll have the vanilla mesh, it'll have different textures than all the other weapons in the game that use that same model.


But I'd still like it to have the modified stats from my original esp.


Q: will I achieve what I want simply by putting my new esp, with the unique mesh/ textures, lower in my order so it loads before the modifie-stats esp? Or will the second esp (i.e. where the weapon just uses the vanilla model) override my custom mesh as well as the vanilla stats?


I know I could just edit the modified stats esp to incorporate the new nif/textures for that one weapon, but for various reason (including that I've shoved arguably too much stuff into that esp already) I'd prefer not doing it that way.


Hope that made sense.

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I like standalone items. If I were building a mod like this, I would make it so the new weapon with the new textures and the edited stats existed alongside the vanilla one and everything else.


I am not sure if I understand the situation completely. Am I correct in thinking that this is a vanilla Skyrim weapon being edited by unmastered patches? (Save for Skyrim.esm.)


The stats are not much of an issue. You can just copy the stats from your edited weapon to the one with the new texture.


I think you should do it this way:




Mod With Many Weapon Edits.esp

Mod With One Unique Weapon with New Meshes and Textures and Cloned Stats.esp



If you put your one-weapon mod before your many weapon mod in your load order, it will be totally overridden and you won't even know it is there. So you don't want to do that.

Edited by David Brasher
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Ok, thanks David. Re-reading my OP, it could have been a lot clearer, and I think I was even confusing myself. But you caught the gist and what you're sayin' makes perfect sense. Thanks very much.
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