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2 people Working on 1 mod


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Hello everyone

I have recently decided with another modder, 93Max93, to work together on the same mod.


However, we do not know how this can be done. We searched on the forums and found no satisfying answers on how to merge 2 .esp files.


The problem is: if we work on the same .esp file each one on our side, we will have to merge each .esp file together. Is there a way (simple one if possible) to do this efficiently?

thank you

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Skyrim does not currently have good mod merging software like Oblivion has. You are pretty much stuck with labor intensive manual merging in the CK.


Here is the page on the wiki: Mod Merging.


What is the nature of your mod? Different kinds of mods are easier or harder to merge. Like if you were building an armor mod, it would be really easy to merge your two pieces of the mod. If you were building a dungeon mod, it would be harder. If you were building a quest mod, it might really stink trying to merge the two pieces.

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Like said by David, different merges mean different merging tools.


When merging stuff that's unrelated to the skyrim.esm (so custom armors, weapons, actors etc.) a simple "duplicate" from one esp to the other will do the trick (even if having many records to duplicate will be VERY boring, plus links to other records like armor + armoraddon will be lost and you'll have to redefine them).


When merging unduplicateable stuff like cells, or complex stuff with fragments like quests, the best tool is the one Beth used to make Skyrim (Version Control).


It's a bit complex to set it up properly, but once you're done it's a very powerful tool.


All you'll have to do is creating an empty master and make it VC-ready. Then you'll be able to merge every single esp you make in that master. You could even use a new esp for every modification. It's also a powerful mod cleaning tool.


Once you guys will be done, you can espify your esm and you'll have your merged plugin.

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thank you both for your replies, it helps a lot


Unfortunately, we're making a big project. We're currently working on an overhaul of Whiterun (and eventually other towns).


I have worked on the town itself (adding NPCs, Merchants, Factions, Cells etc....) and the other modder has beenw orking on whiterun's exterior.


Gasti, what is that tool you're talking about? Version Control, is that it? It seems quite complicated - for me at least, I'm not a very experienced modder. I've started modding since CK came out (never modded on a previous Elder Scrolls)


But still, even if we were able to merge our 2 files now, we would continue to work on our own esp file separately... so we would have to merge everything again.

I think for now we're better off to simply separate tasks and work on our side... and just make sure our mods are compatible.

It may be best just to wait for a TESVGecko or something.

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No, you won't need to merge all again after the 1st merge.


When Version Control is set up correctly, you MOVE all the data from a esp into a esm, not COPY.


So after the 1st merge you'll have your 2 esps in a single esm.


You'll both use the esm as your master and start both a new esp.


Then merge again, and so on.

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