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Quest trigger from shouting in town?


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Hi, I'm new to modding! How do I make a trigger for either NPC dialogue or a quest from shouting in town?

Like in the game if you shout in town, either a guard will talk to you or a courier will deliver a letter to you about the location of a word of power.

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Have your quest already started (set it as start game enabled), so you are at stage 0 when you load the mod.


Ten put this script on the shout's magic effect.


Location property myLocation auto

Quest property myQuest auto

Int property preReqStage auto

Int property StageToSet auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    if akCaster == Game.GetPlayer()
          if (akCaster as ObjectReference).IsInLocation(myLocation)
               if myQuest.GetStage() == preReqStage


Then just put a log entry/objective in the stage you want to set and it'll display.


Or put a forcegreet package on the courier/guard with the new stage as a condition.


EDIT: don't forget to fill the script properties

Edited by gasti89
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