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Game of Thrones - North Wall - Need: Modders/MapCreators/QuestMakers


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I've tried creating the North Wall from Game of Thrones.

My main goal was to make the wall / castles along the wall / some land behind and beyond the wall / trees etc..

I've spent about a week so far learning Creation Kit and building an exterior worldspace.
I'm not experienced Modder/Map Creator but wanted to give it a go.

I've build the landscape needed for the worldspace, the wall and some mountains.
It just needs Texturing/Shaping, adding the castles, woods and fix the mountain ranges.

I really need other people to help me with this project. I'm sure it could turn out good since Game of Thrones just ended and Jon went North of the wall. After creating everything needed in the map, we could move onto creating quests, either for a character from Game of Thrones or just some random person from the knights watch.

Imagine a questline of Jon leaving through the North wall, after the series has ended. We could basically make up a story for it and there's a chance it could go big hopefully.

Here's a link to the mod page from Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25913

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