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Conversation Freeroam


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Let me just start by making this as desperate a plea as possible, because it is :P it's not something I know how to do but would love to see if at all possible introduced; now onward! :ohdear:


For the daring modder who attempts to get this to function, I praise thee! .. and with the groveling out of the way :teehee:


I have ever since Oblivion greatly desired a mod that would allow you to press num5 or a similar key far from the rest that would cause you to back out of the silly 'close up' on face camera and walk around, WITHOUT actually interfering with the conversation. As an example, when you approach the Yarl of Whiterun he speaks with you, and like any other NPC you speak with - you zoom in on him; but later in the conversation your allowed movement of your character once more; freely moving your camera and listening to him speak to you - and the others of the room briefly before he forces you back into conversation to ask your response to his requests; well! My request is this situation 'on demand'


There are plenty of conversations throughout the game I'd enjoy viewing from a third person perspective, even using dovahkiin relax's mod to drink, or sit, and listen to what they have to say, and until their part in the conversation is done continue to do as I please and really enjoy the beauty of the world from the perspective *I* want and doing what *I* want to be doing while they talk, once they're finished they can prompt me for a response, instead of just keeping the player stunlocked in the conversation!


Be it scripted for all conversations, or at the press of a button regaining control and camera until the NPC's lines are finished to avoid any conflicts and thus only bugging when one really shouldn't be using it.. most I could see that being would be a quest that moves the character or something to that effect; would be great regardless. Don't know if such a thing has already been done, I've done my share of searching and couldn't find anything related unfortunately; so if anyone knows of any mod that already is in the process of attempting this feat please let me know and many thanks! But if not, please, for Skyrim's sake.. save us from the stun-locked conversations! :dance:

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