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mutagen mod (cheat)


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I'm looking for a mod that basically combines the effects of all other mutagens under the madness mutagen label. so madness mutagen would give +2 (+3, +4) armor, +10 (+15, +20) vitality, +1 (+1, +3) damage bonus on signs, +5 (+7, +10) adrenaline generation on hit, +3 (+4, +6) chance of critical effect on hit, +1-3 (+2-4, +3-6) sword damage, vitality regeneration +1, and aard and igni range +5% (+7%, +9%). yeah, i know it'd totally unbalance stuff, but there's no kill like overkill :) thanks!


edit: i'm thinking...you only get a handful of these, better make em doozys :D

Edited by br0kenm4n
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