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Archive Invalidation


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I've been modding games ever since my first chance, but I've never modded a game as big and as "serious" as New Vegas. I've begun using Vortex to manage my mods and such as it's the official mod manager of Nexus right now, and I was messing with options on the Dashboard when I clicked the X situated on the "Archive Invalidation" option. Ever since, I haven't been able to find it again. I know that in the Settings, you have the option to turn it back on. It's called BSA Redirection in the Workarounds tab, but every time I try that, the Vortex Archive Invalidation mod pops up in my mods, but doesn't change anything. Then, trying to install it or activate it perhaps, it says it can't find the mods archive - so it's seen as an "unknown mod" or something along those lines.


Not sure what I did. I'm new to this kind of stuff, so maybe I'm just blind and stupid, but I can't for the life of me fix it. I tried to reinstall Vortex, but it just kept the same options and settings. I try to reinstall the mod, no cigar.


Help would be very much appreciated because I am honestly just stumped. Is there some hidden setting with the Archive Invalidation in it? I swear I've searched up and down.

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This reddit post may give you some background information.

As far as I know the referenced BSA redirection mod just provides a timestamp.



So how from this point on would I activate/deactivate Archive Invalidation? By enabling it and then disabling it in my mods tab? There isn't another button for it, except for the one that was on the dashboard that I Xed out. I know some mods require fiddling with the Archive Invalidation, so I want to make sure I can still properly use it. Do you know?

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On my system my Fallout NV settings page Workarounds I have a button labeled BSA Redirection.

If I set this button, deploy and exit Vortex, It still shows as set next time I start Vortex. It does not go away.

I am running Vortex 0.18.1.


Vortex modified my Fallout.ini (in MyGames) to:


SArchiveList=Vortex - BSA Redirection.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa


Wait until you actually see a problem with archive invalidation before you worry about it too much.


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