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Leveled List Question


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I have had trouble finding out any info on this on the forum/google. (not much explanation on the GECK wiki either) I'm making a small mod (personal use, uses other modder's resources/NV stuff so cannot release) to add some weapons and armor, to diversify NPC's.


I can add weapons/armor into geck, but I am having trouble getting certain NPC's to make use of their leveled lists. For example, I removed Moira's armor and added a leveled list for armor to her inventory. Instead of wearing one of the items from the leveled list, she walks around w/o clothes. Do leveled lists only work the first time a NPC loads? (like how new raiders/super mutants spawn when you get to their area) Can they not be used so that NPC's would change their armor overtime? ( Like that everytime I went to megaton, the game would reload Moira and pull something random off her leveled list).



I feel bad b/c it seems like leveled lists should be simple, but they are driving me a little up a wall.

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Focus on learning how to make your own content. Moria's clothing would be better controlled by a package & or script. Leveled list is only for variation as the player levels up. If you had 30 outfits you could use it as a list. Everyday a package would call up a script that calls up the list. The list checks the player level an returns an entry to the script. Script dresses Moria, which would be changing out the armor in Moria's inventory, with one of 29 others placed in a hidden container somewhere. Just guessing.
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Leveled lists are actually exactly what you would want for that. But you're correct in that they are only calculated when the NPC/Cell reloads. You could force it in your mod, by having her cell reset every time the player leaves it (using a monitoring quest or a script on the door). That should cause the NPC to re-evaluate its inventory each time you enter. Of course, that could also have unintended side effects, such as Moira standing in the same place every time the player enters, etc.
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