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Loading Freeze on any entrance


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Hi all,


I have this problem with trying to enter ANYTHING pretty much. Beginning tutorial, freeze when entering the room where you get your hands freed and grab a sword. Screen goes to the black screen with fog floating about and no text or anything else appears. Drive light churns for about 5 seconds, then nothing. Have to hard power off CPU to get out of it. I just reinstalled and added my favorite mods and a few new. Disabled those that might be suspect, but nothing. Updated drivers, verified file integrity. Same thing. I've tried the alternate start mod, run down to River with the 'camping in the wild' version of start and couldn't enter the tavern. Started in the tavern, could leave, but not enter again. What gives?????? Disable the Mod and tried a fresh new game, painfully sat through the intro ... yet again ... and had the above problem - couldn't go into the first building requiring loading.


Any ideas? PC version.

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Is it the loading screen? Or does the loading screen load but the room's not there, only fog? Also is it your entire computer freezing up because then that might be a computer issue.


Loading screen loads fine. I can get to the menu system. I can load a game. I can run around outside. But as soon as I try to go into a building, or into a cave, I puts me on a loading screen with the fog floating around, usually there is a 3d model of something and the text about it, etc. Then the area loads (building, cave, etc.). In my case, I get the fog but no 3D model or text. It just sits there. I have to press and hold down the power button to turn of the computer to get out of it. It's not a computer issue. I've run Skyrim before just fine. I've just reinstalled it on a clean registry (clean OS install as well). It is most likely a mod, but I've run just about all of these mods before just fine. Just wondering if it has anything to do with an update or something.

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Normally getting stuck on the loading loop is caused by using too many texture mods or your ram settings are messed up in your configs.


Try increasing ur Skyrim.ini





You can also try using a texture optimizer if you have vram issues (constant stuttering).


If you set your ugridstoload too high ull need to revert to an older save (but change ugridstoload back to what it was first, default is 5 grids, interior cell 18, exterior cell 36)

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