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How to force vortex to install mods from different drive


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I have my mod installed on hdd.

My skyrim SSE is on ssd.

I do not store unnessary thing like rar or extracted files there.

That is why i have 3 hdd drives.

I place my games on ssd and i keep other thing on my hdd's.

So i would be very thankfull for the info, how can info how can i do it.


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I will just say you can not do it with hard links. Your mod directory is effectively part of your game directory.

Each mod only has one copy, and a hard link from your game directory points to it.

It is a Windows restriction that hard links only work within the same disk partition.

Vortex also supports symlinks; I can not address if that would serve your needs.

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I have the same setting: Games on SSD, big data on HDD.


I do not unsterstand why there is no easy to use option to store staggging path on HDD and game on SSD. I think it is an operation like: copy active mods to game folder; deleted not active mod from game folder.


As a gamer I do not care about hard link, soft link, Microsoft thinking and so on. I just want to keep the big, not always used stuff on HDD and the most important on SSD. Blame me for thinking like this.


For your information: I have more than compressed 200 GB Mod data for two games. Uncomprossed they will use more than 60% of my SSD. Moving games from SSD to HD is not want I call OK.

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NMM actually copies your mods to your game directory.

Vortex does not; the only copy of your mod is in the staging folder.

The hard link restrictions are from Microsoft - not Vortex.


See if Symlinks will do what you want. They are slower - but more flexible.

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